Painting A Wall (Finborough Theatre), The hounding of David Olwale (West Yorkshire Playhouse), Three Sisters (Manchester Royal Exchange), The Local Stigmatic (Edinburgh Festival), Les Jeudis (Centre Pompidou,Paris), Twelfth Night, The Lunatic Queen, Taniko, Measure for measure, Le Cid, The Cherry Orchard and Winslow Boy.
Charles Darwin | Charles Dickens | Charles, Prince of Wales | Ray Charles | Charles II of England | Charles I of England | Charles Lindbergh | Charles de Gaulle | Charles II | Charles | Charles I | William Howard Taft | Prince Charles | John Howard | Charles V | Howard Hughes | Howard Stern | Charles Scribner's Sons | Howard University | Charles Aznavour | Ron Howard | Charles University in Prague | Charles Stanley | Charles Bukowski | Howard Dean | Charles Mingus | Charles Ives | Howard Hawks | Charles Bronson | Charles Babbage |