
5 unusual facts about Howard V. Hendrix

Better Angels

Better Angels is a prequel to Hendrix's earlier novels Lightpath and Standing Wave, filling in history about how the characters in those novels came to be who they are.

Empty Cities of the Full Moon

This organization Tetragammaton and these characters (Dr. Vang, Michael Dalke, and Martin Kong) have appeared in previous Hendrix novels involved in the long-term survival of humanity through the creation of mind-machine interfaces.

In Universe A, the universe in which Hendrix's previous novel Better Angels occurs, the accident is avoided allowing 3 of the major characters in that novel to be born.

The Allesseh is a massive consciousness at the centre of the galaxy, described in Hendrix's novel Better Angels.

Jo Walton

In April 2007, Howard V. Hendrix stated that professional writers should never release their writings online for free, as this made them equivalent to scabs.

Howard V. and Edna H. Hong Kierkegaard Library

Along with the Søren Kierkegaard Research Center at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, it is one of two internationally-significant research facilities devoted to the study of Kierkegaard.

Howard V. Lee

In September 1955, he entered the 14th Officer Candidates' Course, Marine Corps Schools, Quantico, Virginia, and upon completing the course the following December, was commissioned a Marine Corps Reserve second lieutenant.

James R. Hendrix

In 1944, at age 18, he was drafted into the U.S. Army and sent to basic training in Florida, the first time he had been more than a few miles from his hometown.

see also