On the island of Huahine, where he worked for 40 years, he helped to restore and preserve the prehistoric village of Maeva with its temple ruins, or marae.
King Ari'imate Teururai (1824 – 14 April 1874) was a member and founder of a Polynesian royal family (House of Teurura'i) which reigned on the Tahitian island of Huahine and Maiao during the 19th century.
Comparison with the tarsometatarsi of other Aplonis species shows that the Huahine Starling was the second largest Aplonis species (the largest being the Samoan Starling Aplonis atrifusca).
According to David Steadman it is possible that the 1774 painting by Georg Forster which depicts a mysterious bird from the island of Raiatea (formerly known as Ulieta) is not of a thrush or a honeyeater, as previously hypothesised, but of a relative of the Huahine Starling.
Prince Marama Teururai later known as Regent Marama (17 December 1851 – 7 June 1909) was a member of a Tahitian royal family (House of Teururai) which reigned on the Tahitian island of Huahine during the 19th century.
Te-ha'apapa III was a member of a royal Tahitian dynasty, the deposed royal family Teururai of Huahine.
It operated mainly passenger charter services, but also operated some scheduled services to nearby islands - Bora Bora, Huahine and Raiatea, as well as to outer islands including Les Marquises, Australes and Tuamotu.