
2 unusual facts about Huaylas


Huaylas Province - a province in the Ancash Region in Central Peru

Quispe Sisa

During the siege of Lima, led by Manco Inca Yupanqui, Quispe Sisa sent several runners with messages to her mother in Huaylas asking for help.

Restorative Army of Peru

The dissolution of the Peruvian-Bolivian Confederation took place in the town of Ancachs de la Villa de Yungay, of the Department of Huaylas.


It flows through the Santa Cruz gorge from northeast to southwest along the lakes Hatunqucha and Ichikqucha and the village Llamacorral, flanked by the Pukahirka, Kitarahu and Pukarahu in the north and by the Sintiru, Artesonraju and Qaras in the south.

see also