
3 unusual facts about Hubert Lyautey

Hubert Lyautey

Lyautey briefly served as France's Minister of War for three months in 1917, which were clouded by the unsuccessful Nivelle Offensive and the French Army Mutinies.


Hubert Lyautey, military governor and then Resident-General of then-French Morocco from 1907 through 1925

St. Peter's Cathedral, Rabat

The inaugural ceremony was presided by Hubert Lyautey in 1921, and the cathedral became operational in November of that year.

Pacification of Tonkin

These men included Lieutenant-Colonel Théophile Pennequin, who developed the famous 'oilstain' (tache d'huile) tactics that were eventually to prove so effective in stamping out the insurgency, Colonels Joseph Gallieni and Servière, and chef de bataillon Hubert Lyautey.

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