In the 1940s a new hospital was built further west on Bridgeford Street through the generosity of Sir Samuel Turner (architect Hubert Worthington, 1939–40): later this was extended from three wings to four, by the south wing of 1951-52.
Hubert Humphrey | Worthington | Sam Worthington | Hubert Parry | Worthington, Minnesota | Hubert Robert | Hubert von Herkomer | Hubert Laws | Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome | Hubert Gough | Hubert Burda Media | Worthington Whittredge | James Hubert Blake High School | Hubert Parker, Baron Parker of Waddington | Hubert Sumlin | Hubert Soudant | Hubert-François Gravelot | Hubert Austin | Yves-André Hubert | Worthington Corporation | Saint-Hubert | Hubert Zemke | Hubert Wilkins | Hubert Walter | Hubert Rance | Hubert Opperman | Hubert Lyautey | Hubert Ingraham | Hubert Howe Bancroft | Hubert Cecil Booth |