Hue de la Ferté (fl. 1220–35) was a French trouvère who wrote three serventois attacking the regency of Blanche of Castile during the minority of Louis IX.
Huế | Ville-sous-la-Ferté | Huế University | La Ferté-Alais | Hue and Cry | Đặng Thị Huệ | La Ferté-Villeneuil | La Ferté-sous-Jouarre | La Ferté-Macé | Hue Jackson | Hue Hollins | Hue de Rotelande | hue | Armand Thomas Hue de Miromesnil | Philip Joubert de la Ferté | Massacre at Hue | La Ferté-Vidame | La Ferté-Gaucher | la Ferté-Alais | La Ferté | Hue University | Huế Phật Đản shootings | ''Hue & Cry'' | Hue and Cry (film) | Hue | 'bloodbath' at Hue | Battle of Hue |