
unusual facts about Huey Newton

Alfred Delucchi

Alfred Delucchi (d. 2008, age 76) was a judge in the Superior Court of Alameda County, who was the judge to preside over the Scott Peterson trial and the trial of Tyrone Robinson for the murder of Huey Newton.

Brampton Jail

The Brampton Jail's most notorious inmate was Huey Newton, an American co-founder of the Black Panther Party, who was held there in 1977 while awaiting extradition to the United States for murder.

Ernestine Eckstein

Eckstein, like the founder of the Black Panther Party, Huey Newton, saw the connection between the Black Civil Rights struggle for equality and the lesbian and gay struggle for equality and fostered the connection.

Lust for Justice

Cases captured in words and images in the book include Huey Newton and the Black Panthers, the White Panthers, Russell Little, Kathleen Soliah with the SLA, the Hells Angels, Chol Soo Lee, Hooty Croy, Bear Lincoln, Judi Bari, and Rick Tabish in the Ted Binion homicide case.

No Name in the Street

It depicts several historical events and figures from the Baldwin's perspective: Francisco Franco, McCarthyism and Martin Luther King's death, as well as Malcolm X, Huey Newton, Bobby Seale, Eldridge Cleaver, and the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.

see also