Mrs Delaney, wife of Patrick Delaney, Rector of Irvinestown in the 18th century and later Bishop of Down, was a key figure on the London literary scene prior to her marriage, mixing with Alexander Pope, Edmund Burke, Hugh Walpole and Jonathan Swift.
They had two sons, the elder of whom was the author Hugh Walpole, and a daughter.
The eldest of his three children was the novelist Hugh Walpole.
Horace Walpole | Hugh Masekela | Hugh Jackman | Hugh Grant | Robert Walpole | Hugh Laurie | Hugh Hefner | Hugh | Hugh O'Brian | Hugh Grosvenor, 2nd Duke of Westminster | Hugh Percy, 2nd Duke of Northumberland | Hugh Percy, 1st Duke of Northumberland | Hugh Martin | Hugh Dennis | Hugh Walpole | Hugh O'Neill, Earl of Tyrone | Hugh de Lacy | Walpole | St Hugh's College, Oxford | Hugh Wheeler | Hugh Trenchard, 1st Viscount Trenchard | Hugh Trenchard | Hugh Pughe Lloyd | Hugh MacDiarmid | Hugh Lloyd | Hugh Greene | Hugh Carey | Hugh Wolff | Hugh Trevor-Roper | Hugh Shelton |
Like Cannan the patron of the arts Eddie Marsh was keen to support up-and-coming artists such as the novelists Maurice Hewlett and Hugh Walpole all three of whom visited.
Tartarus publishes classic supernatural fiction by Arthur Machen, M. P. Shiel, Hugh Walpole, Gustav Meyrink, Oliver Onions, and more modern authors such as Sarban, Robert Aickman and David Lindsay, alongside contemporary writers including Quentin S. Crisp, Mark Valentine, Angela Slatter and Rhys Hughes.