When the advancing enemy attempted to penetrate a roadblock, Sgt. Whittington, completely disregarding intense enemy action, mounted a tank and by shouting through the turret, directed it into position to fire pointblank at the leading Mark V German tank.
The destruction of this vehicle blocked all movement of the remaining enemy column consisting of over 100 vehicles of a Panzer unit.
On that day, near Grimesnil, France, he assumed command of his platoon and led it in a successful defense against a German armored attack.
Whittington | Dick Whittington and His Cat | Whittington, Staffordshire | Whittington, Shropshire | Stephen Whittington | Whittington, Victoria | Whittington Old Hall | Whittington Hospital | Richard Whittington-Egan | Richard Whittington | Old Whittington | Dick Whittington and his cat | Clark Whittington | Buddy Whittington | Amanda Whittington |
Whittington played for Prairie View from 1970 to 1973, under head coach each year of his college career: Alexander Durley in 1970, Jim Hillyer in 1971, Theophilus Danzy in 1972, and Cornelius Cooper in 1973.
They had two sons, Voss Whittington Graham (born 1948), a motivational speaker in Cordova, near Memphis, Tennessee, and James E. Graham, Jr., of Dallas, Texas.