
unusual facts about Human Ecology

Human ecology

Scholarship has increasingly tended away from Gerald L. Young's idea of a "unified theory" of human ecological knowledge—that human ecology may emerge as its own discipline—and more toward the pluralism best espoused by Paul Shepard: that human ecology is healthiest when "running out in all directions.".

Index of urban sociology articles

habitabilityhighwayHispanic Americanshistoric preservationHome Mortgage Disclosure Acthomelessnesshomeowners' associationHousing Act of 1937Housing Act of 1949Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008HOPE VIhuman ecologyDepartment of Housing and Urban Development(H.U.D.) — hyperghettoization


Technosphere is an ecological term in reference to novel human technoecosystems that are economically engineered systems of the total human ecosystem (or anthrome).

University of the Philippines Los Baños College of Human Ecology

It is one of only a few institutions in Asia that offers a degree program in Human Ecology and is the first and only one to offer the degree in the Philippines.

In 1974, the department was transformed into the Institute of Human Ecology in response to the United Nations Global Stockholm Conference calling for a “common outlook and principle in the preservation and enhancement of the human environment.”

see also