The drama consists of varied characters in each storyline: a Romanian boy who immigrated illegally into Austria and lives in streets of Vienna; a religious bank security worker; an old man staring at TV screen; a childless couple considering adoption; a frustrated student and so on.
Anti-homelessness legislation, which includes both legislation intended to support and rehouse the homeless and legislation that criminalizes the homeless
In the late 80s, after living three years in South Korea, he relocated to Portugal in hopes of finding a new club, but eventual poor choices and several misfortunes ended up with him as an homeless person having to resort to street vending in Lisbon.
Homelessness, a condition of living on the streets, without a fixed home
There are a large number of hostels and other facilities for transients and the homeless in the area.
Homelessness | homelessness | National Alliance to End Homelessness | Anti-homelessness legislation |
It follows the life of hip hop producer J-Swift, formerly of The Pharcyde, from homelessness and crack addiction to his mission to win back his life and music career.
Director Reed Cowan, who is a former Mormon missionary, "planned on making a film about gay teen homelessness and suicide in Utah, but switched his focus to Mormon ideology because of how it contributes to the homophobia that causes these problems".
a national model that addresses homelessness in San Francisco, Director of Governmental Affairs for the San Francisco 49ers, and Director of the Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services under Mayor Willie Brown.
An updated version of The Beggar's Opera by John Gay, it focuses on a corrupt world inhabited by rakish mobsters and their double crossing gangs, raffish madams and their dissolute whores, panhandlers and street people as they conduct their dirty business, ply their trade, and struggle to survive in brothels, shanty towns, and prisons.
An ex-London street urchin, Chaplin used humor to creatively transform real life boyhood experiences of homelessness into his screen character's picaresque adventures as the streetwise Little Tramp.
She is a contributing artist to Think Out Loud, a Twin Cities effort to end homelessness through music, and has performed at events for nonprofits promoting youth access to the arts, including Vega Productions, Inc., and Free Arts Minnesota, among others.
The department has a range of focus areas in the delivery of human services including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services, child safety, disability, community care, housing, homelessness, multicultural affairs, sport, recreation and women.
Mayor Harvey I. Sloane called together civic and business leaders to lead a task force on homelessness.
His story lines were at times, highly topical, these included ethical scenarios such as: homelessness, the diagnosis of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Neo-Nazi cultism and illegal immigration.
While he is most widely known for his attempts to reinstate driver's licenses to illegal aliens and as the author of the California DREAM Act, Cedillo has also worked on increasing and expanding access to health care, developing regional solutions to combat homelessness, and encouraging economic development in his Downtown Los Angeles district.
In 2007 the Dragas Companies donated $1.5 million to the cities of Virginia Beach, Norfolk and Chesapeake for their use in developing sustainable solutions to the issue of family homelessness and improving educational outcomes for children in poverty.
Homelessness has grown noticeably more widespread in Japanese society since the collapse of the Japanese asset price bubble across the 1990s, and the resulting "Lost decade" of economic stagnation.
habitability — highway — Hispanic Americans — historic preservation — Home Mortgage Disclosure Act — homelessness — homeowners' association — Housing Act of 1937 — Housing Act of 1949 — Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 — HOPE VI — human ecology — Department of Housing and Urban Development(H.U.D.) — hyperghettoization
Jeff Maysh started his career at iconic British men's magazine Loaded where he became known for feature writing that involved danger and foreign travel: In "Down and Out in Beverly Hills" Maysh investigated homelessness in LA by sleeping rough in Los Angeles, while in "Loaded gets its XXXXing head kicked in" he fought in an illegal 'tent boxing' fight in the outback of Australia.
This award, created for Soldier On by sculptor Andrew DeVries, recognizes individuals whose leadership and actions have advanced the goal of ending veteran homelessness.
She has spoken at the Clinton School of Public Service at the University of Arkansas on Mobilizing Communities to End Homelessness, as well as at Harvard University and the University of Kansas.
Hombs co-authored Homelessness in America: A Forced March to Nowhere with Mitch Snyder.
Snyder became the driving force of CCNV but worked with many deeply committed people including his wife and professional partner, Carol Fennelly; Mary Ellen Hombs, with whom he co authored Homelessness in America: A Forced March to Nowhere; and Ed and Kathleen Guinan.
4: Artists Against Youth Homelessness, with proceeds going to the National Network for Youth.
With Arthur Zajonc, McDermott is co-founder of The Owen Barfield Graduate School of Sunbridge College, is the founding chair of the board of Sophia Project (two homes in Oakland, California, for mothers and children at risk of homelessness), and has been chair of the board and president of many other institutions.
In 2001, Taylor was named chair of the Committee to End Homelessness in King County, whose ten-year plan to end homelessness was adopted by the county in 2005.
Rough sleeping was selected as a high priority and the RSU was created, headed up by a high profile and plain-speaking ‘homelessness tsar’ called Louise Casey.
Kahn and Minh decide that hard work is nothing but drudgery and now live like beer-drinking, El Camino-driving rednecks, which nearly drive them to homelessness when they stop making payments on their house.
Citizen Hobo: How A Century of Homelessness Shaped America University of Chicago Press, 350 pp.
The song "Something in the Way" on Nirvana's album Nevermind refers to the experiences of its lead singer Kurt Cobain living under a bridge on the river, during a period of homelessness after dropping out of high school and being kicked out of his mother's home.