The EPA has described the following long-term effects when exposed to levels above the MCL in drinking water exposed to runoff from herbicide used on row crops: slight skin and eye irritation; at lifetime exposure to levels above the MCL: potential damage to liver, kidney, spleen; lining of nose and eyelids; cancer.
Some strikes against vital parts of the body can kill or incapacitate the opponent: on the solar plexus, at the temple, under the nose, in the eyes, genitals, or under the chin.
The toy consisted of a skull like head with holes to which you could attach several accessories such as bugs, fangs, noses and blisters, to create a new monster based in altering the original face.
European Court of Human Rights | Human Rights Watch | human | Human sexuality | United States Department of Health and Human Services | Human swimming | Human | The Human League | European Convention on Human Rights | Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development | Human Genome Project | Human migration | Human leukocyte antigen | Human skull | Universal Declaration of Human Rights | human trafficking | Human Rights Campaign | Human Torch | Human resources | human eye | Nazi human experimentation | Human settlement | Human head | Human Target | Human Development Index | Inter-American Court of Human Rights | Human Resources | The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential | Race (classification of human beings) | Of Human Bondage |