
unusual facts about eyelid



The EPA has described the following long-term effects when exposed to levels above the MCL in drinking water exposed to runoff from herbicide used on row crops: slight skin and eye irritation; at lifetime exposure to levels above the MCL: potential damage to liver, kidney, spleen; lining of nose and eyelids; cancer.

Arnulf of Carinthia

With his return to Germany in 896, Arnulf found that his physical ill health - he suffered from (morbus pediculosis – infestation of lice under the eyelid) - meant he was unable to deal with the problems besetting his reign.

Extraocular muscles

The extraocular muscles are the six muscles that control movement of the eye (there are four in bovines) and one muscle that controls eyelid elevation (levator palpebrae).


Cosmetic products which may be applied to the upper eyelid and to the area near the eye to change skin coloration.

Graves' ophthalmopathy

Blepharoplasty can also be done to debulk the excess fat in the lower eyelid.

James W. Watts

Inspired by the work of the Italian psychiatrist Amarro Fiamberti, Freeman developed, without the knowledge or participation of Watts, a procedure for reaching the frontal lobes by inserting a probe under the eyelid and above the tear duct, then hammering it through the thin bone of the eye socket.


The other known issue is Entropion, a genetic defect affecting the eye in which the eyelid turns inward and the lashes scratch the eye ball.

Midline nevus flammeus

Midline nevus flammeus (also known as "angel's kiss,") is a vascular birthmark which may be found on the glabellar region or on one upper eyelid, and presents in approximately 15% of newborns.

Pancoast tumor

Aside from cancer general symptoms such as malaise, fever, weight loss and fatigue, Pancoast tumour can include a complete Horner's syndrome in severe cases: miosis (constriction of the pupils), anhidrosis (lack of sweating), ptosis (drooping of the eyelid) and enophthalmos (sunken eyeball).

Superior cervical ganglion

Damage to the T1-T3 regions of the spinal cord is responsible for drooping of the eyelids (ptosis), constriction of the pupil (miosis), and sinking of the eyeball (Enophthalmos).


Gland of Zeis sebaceous gland located on the margin of the eyelid

see also