Dilthey brought nineteenth-century attempts to formulate a methodology appropriate to the humanistic sciences together with Hume's term "moral science", which he translated as Geisteswissenschaft - a term with no exact English equivalent.
Bachelor of Science | National Science Foundation | American Association for the Advancement of Science | political science | Master of Science | Science | Computer Science | computer science | science | European Court of Human Rights | Political Science | Human Rights Watch | human | Human sexuality | Mystery Science Theater 3000 | Norwegian University of Science and Technology | United States Department of Health and Human Services | Human swimming | Human | science fiction film | The Human League | European Convention on Human Rights | Weizmann Institute of Science | Science fiction | Indian Institute of Science | The Christian Science Monitor | Science (journal) | Intel International Science and Engineering Fair | Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development | Science Applications International Corporation |
During this same period Manglou also obtained a maƮtrise in Human Sciences at the University of Paris, Val-de-Marne - a foreshadowing of experienced-based learning, which was later formalized in France as Validation des Acquis de l'Experience.
The ten 'most important futures works' recognized by the APF in that year included Peter Schwartz's The Art of the Long View, Wendell Bell's Foundations of Futures Studies: Human Science for a New Era, Bertrand de Jouvenel's L'Art de la Conjecture (The Art of Conjecture), and Ray Kurzweil's The Age of Spiritual Machines.