
unusual facts about Huneric

Eugenius of Carthage

His episcopal election was deferred owing to the opposition of the Arian Vandal kings and was only permitted by King Huneric at the instance of Zeno and Placidia, into whose family the Vandals had married.


Huneric |

Eugenius of Carthage

Gunthamund, who succeeded Huneric as Vandal king, allowed Eugenius to return to Carthage and permitted him to reopen the churches.

Sieg der Schönheit

The Vandal prince Genseric has conquered Rome (historically following the murder of the emperor Valentinian III commissioned by the usurper Petronius Maximus) and now wants to conquer the Roman emperor's widow Eudoxia (historically Licinia Eudoxia), while his son Honoricus (historically Huneric) sets his eye on Eudoxia's daughter Pulcheria.

Victor Vitensis

His history contains many documents not otherwise accessible, e.g. the Confession of Faith drawn up for the orthodox bishops by Eugenius of Carthage and presented to Huneric at the conference of Catholic and Arian bishops in 484.


Two bishops of Zaraï are known: Cresconius, present at the Conference of Carthage (411), where he had as a rival the Donatist Rogatus; and Adeodatus, exiled by Huneric after the Conference of Carthage (484), and who died in exile.

see also