While attending the first gathering of Women Waging Peace, Sister Ann met Aloisea Inyumba, who was then governor of one of the poorest areas in Rwanda, Kigali-Ngali province, whose Tutsi population was decimated in the 1994 Rwandan genocide.
She was also selected by the Hunt Alternatives Fund for its Prime Movers program, a fellowship for new leaders.
International Monetary Fund | International Fund for Agricultural Development | hedge fund | World Wide Fund for Nature | William Holman Hunt | Leigh Hunt | John Hunt Morgan | World Monuments Fund | Heritage Lottery Fund | The Hunt for Red October | Hunt Valley, Maryland | Richard Morris Hunt | Jewish National Fund | Hunt | Helen Hunt | Nelson Bunker Hunt | Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup | E. Howard Hunt | Wild Hunt | United Nations Children's Fund | Joe Hunt | Jim Hunt | Jefferson Hunt | James Hunt | Thomas Hunt Morgan | Palestine Exploration Fund | National Hunt racing | Environmental Defense Fund | Witch-hunt | United Nations Population Fund |