
2 unusual facts about Hunza


Before 1974, when Hunza was a state, Gulmit used to be the Summer Capital of the state.

Gojal is a series of small and large valleys sharing borders with Hunza in the south, China in the north-east and Afghanistan in the north-west.

Borith Lake

Borith is a hamlet in the surroundings of the Borith Lake to the northwest of Husseini, a village near Gulmit, Gojal, in the upper Hunza.

Hill Pigeon

In Pakistan it occurs in northern Chitral particularly in the western part bordering Nuristan in Afghanistan, further east in valleys of Gilgit in Yasin and Hunza and Karakoram ranges in Baltistan from about 2000 meters in winter up to 5500 meters during summer months.

Hunza Valley

The center of activities has however somewhat shifted to Aliabad, which is a commercial hub in the region and has most of the governmental infrastructure.

Naltar Wildlife Sanctuary

Naltar Wildlife Sanctuary is located in Naltar near Hunza, Northern Areas, Pakistan.

see also