This fact is easily verified by using the formula for Bf along with the standard formula for the Husimi function in terms of coherent states.
In fact, the above density coincides with the Husimi function of the particle, which is obtained from the Wigner function by smearing with a Gaussian.
proportional representation | Representation of the People Act 1884 | representation | representation theory | Representation of the People Act 1918 | Proportional representation | West Coast Group Representation Constituency | Representation theory of finite groups | Party-list proportional representation | Husimi Q representation | Symbolic linguistic representation | Schematic representation of a ''Chlamydomonas | Riesz representation theorem | Representation theory | Representation (systemics) | Representation (politics) | Representation of the Portuguese Carmelite nun Antónia d'Astónaco | Representation of the People Act 1969 | Representation of the People Act | Representation | Pro se legal representation in the United States | Proportional Representation Society of Australia | Production Rule Representation | Mixed-member proportional representation | Jurong Group Representation Constituency | Group Representation Constituency | Group representation | group representation | First representation of the play ''Déjanire'' in the arena of Béziers | External Data Representation |