In the mountains around La Peonia, it is possible to see the Hispaniolan solenodon and Hutia, rare animals endemic to the Dominican Republic.
Hutia |
This park is the last of two known habitats of the Giant Swallowtail Butterfly (Papilio homerus), the largest butterfly in the Western Hemisphere and also the habitat for the endangered Jamaican Blackbird (Neospar nigerrimus), a refuge for the Jamaican Boa (Epicrates subflavus) and the Jamaican Hutia (Geocapromys brownii).
Hutia population have also been discovered in privately protected areas such as Punta Cana Ecological Reserve.
There were sightings in 2005 which were confirmed photographically (E.M. Fernández, et al. - see external links) in the Bahoruco region and evidence suggest that this area may have a substantial hutia population in and around the protected area.