In relation to England and Wales, the expression "offence triable either way" means an offence, other than an offence triable on indictment only by virtue of Part V of the Criminal Justice Act 1988, which, if committed by an adult, is triable either on indictment or summarily; and the term "triable either way", in its application to offences, is to be construed accordingly.
Hybrid electric vehicle | Hybrid vehicle | F1 hybrid | The Offence | Hybrid warfare | Hybrid Tango | Summary offence | Steam diesel hybrid locomotive | hybrid vehicle | ''Hybrid Theory'' | Hybrid Tea | Hybrid tea | hybrid tea | Hybrid Synergy Drive | Hybrid Scorecard | Hybrid physical-chemical vapor deposition | Hybrid open access journal | Hybrid Monte Carlo | hybrid computer | Hybrid Air Vehicles | Hornblower Hybrid | Honda Civic Hybrid | Epiphyllum hybrid |