
unusual facts about Hyginus



Even from the most ancient times Roman camps were constructed according to a certain ideal pattern, formally described in two main sources, the De Metatione Castrorum or De Munitionibus Castrorum by either Hyginus Gromaticus or Pseudo-Hyginus and the works of Polybius.

Poeticon astronomicon

During the Renaissance, the work was attributed to the Roman historian Gaius Julius Hyginus who lived during the 1st century BC However, the fact that the book lists most of the constellations north of the ecliptic in the same order as Ptolemy's Almagest (written in the 2nd century AD) has led many to believe that a more recent Hyginus created the text.


Hyginus (who states that the dog and javelin are gifts from the goddess Artemis) and Antoninus, however, write that she disguised herself as a boy and seduced her husband, so that he too was guilty, and they were reconciled.

see also