
3 unusual facts about Hyman Minsky

Hyman Minsky

This slow movement of the financial system from stability to fragility, followed by crisis, is something for which Minsky is best known, and the phrase "Minsky moment" refers to this aspect of Minsky's academic work.

The post-Keynesian economist Steve Keen has recently developed models of endogenous economic crises based on Minsky's theories, but they are currently at the research stage and do not enjoy widespread use.

Victoria Chick

As a research student she was taught by Hyman Minsky (among others), although her interest in Keynes and his General Theory developed much later.

Thomas Palley

models that combine the insights of various 'brands' of Post-Keynesian economics including the following: Yale Keynesianism (James Tobin), Cambridge–UK Keynesianism (Nicholas Kaldor), and American Post-Keynesianism (Paul Davidson, Hyman Minsky).

see also