
2 unusual facts about IBM 700/7000 series

IBM 1410

The 7010 used the same architecture and the 1410, but was implemented in 7000 series technology (see IBM 700/7000 series), and supported up to 100,000 characters of storage.

IBM 700/7000 series

All of the 700 and 7000 series machines predate standard performance measurement tools such as the Whetstone (1972), Dhrystone (1984), LINPACK (1979), or Livermore loops (1986) benchmarks.

Six-bit character code

IBM applied the terms binary-coded decimal and BCD to the variations of BCD alphamerics used in most early IBM computers, including the IBM 1620, IBM 1400 series, and non-Decimal Architecture members of the IBM 700/7000 series.

Tokyo Metro 10000 series

Five sets (10101 to 10105) were reformed as 8-car sets from the start of Fukutoshin Line services in June 2008 to cover for a shortage in 8-car 7000 series trainsets.

see also