From 1962 to 1974 he was Vice-President of Washington Federal Savings and Loan Association, housing consultant to USAID, IDB (Interamerican Development Bank) and the United Nations.
While the IDB had suggested that electricity generating companies should not be allowed to hold shares in the transmission company, this has apparently been accepted by the governments of Central America.
Iskenderian has spoken widely on microfinance at Harvard, Yale, Stanford and Wharton and at numerous industry and banking forums including the annual conference of Cercle des économistes, the Council on Foreign Relations, the IDB Foromic and the Microcredit Summit.
In June 2011, The Israel Land Development Company sold the controlling shareholding of Maariv to "Discount Investment Corporation" of the IDB Group, controlled by Nohi Dankner.
In 1970, he moved to the United States, where he worked at the FAO and at the IDB in Washington, before beginning a master's degree in agricultural economics at Cornell University.
The Industrial Development Board (IDB) agreed to let 20th Century Fox film the 2013 movie Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters in the theme park during the summer of 2012 through August.