These were IDEF0, IDEF1, IDEF2 and IDEF3 for functional, data, dynamic and process analysis respectively.
It was the intent of the methodology program within ICAM to rectify this situation but limitation of funding did not allow this to happen.
However, since the Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing (ICAM) Program needed a simulation modeling tool, the resulting IDEF2 was a method for representing the time varying behavior of resources in a manufacturing system, providing a framework for specification of math model based simulations.
This image uses the IDEF3 Process Description Capture method to describe this process where boxes with verb phrases represent activities, arrows represent precedence relationships, and “exclusive or” conditions among possible paths are represented by the junction boxes labeled with an “X.”.
Richard J. Mayer was the Principal Investigator on the projects of developing IDEF3, IDEF4 en IDEF6.