
unusual facts about IGY


Immunoglobulin Y, a type of antibody found in birds but not mammals



Daniel Island, Antarctica

Named by Eklund for Commissaryman 2d Class David Daniel, U.S. Navy, cook and Navy support force member of the 1957 wintering party at Wilkes Station during the IGY.

Homer E. Newell, Jr.

In 1954, when President Dwight D. Eisenhower assigned NRL responsibility to launch satellites during the International Geophysical Year (IGY), Newell was promoted to Acting Superintendent of NRL's Atmosphere and Astrophysics division, with an additional assignment as science coordinator for Project Vanguard.

I'll Never Love This Way Again

The song has been recorded in Spanish as "Como te Amé" by Yuri, in Dutch as "Vergeet jouw wereld" by André Hazes, in Finnish as "En Näin Voi Muita Rakastaa" by Marion Rung, in German as "Ich weiß, so lieben kann ich niemals mehr" by Margot Werner, in Hungarian as "Így Még Senkit Nem Szerettem Én" by Korda György, and in Italian as "Io dio io re" by Christian De Sica.

Jean Alt

Alt was a scientist of the IGY, who take part of the American mission, named Deep Freeze III, in Little America V (an Antarctica base) during the winter party 1958.

Paradise Harbor

The shelter constitutes a representative example of pre-IGY activity in Antarctica.

Scott Peninsula

Named by Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names (US-ACAN) for Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Scott, USA, who assisted with the early establishment of U.S. Navy Operation Deepfreeze finances and liaison during the IGY.

Spilhaus Inlet

Named by Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names (US-ACAN) in 1988 after Athelstan Spilhaus (b. 1911), meteorologist and oceanographer; member of the U.S. National Committee for the IGY, 1957–58, and of the National Science Board, 1966-72.

Stevenson Cove

He named it for Andrew Stevenson, economic advisor to the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, author of a report for the Committee on the IGY in the Arctic and Antarctic.

William Roy Piggott

He edited the still valid official booklet of reduction rules for ionospheric soundings with Karl Rawer and was engaged in international activities during the International Geophysical Year (IGY) and for a long time afterwards.

see also