
unusual facts about IHS

Kunyu Wanguo Quantu

Both sections carry the characteristic Jesuit seal, the IHS of the Compagnia di Gesù.


IHS | IHS Inc. |

Antony Fisher

Cockett wrote, "In 1981, to co-ordinate and establish a central focus for these institutes that Fisher found himself start up all over the world, he created the Atlas Economic Research Foundation which in 1987 joined up with the Institute for Humane Studies (IHS) founded by the Mont Pelerin member F. A. Harper in 1961) to provide a central institutional structure for what quickly became an ever-expanding number of international free-market think-tanks or research institutes".


Founded by Major Donn F. Draeger (USMC Ret.) (1922-1982), the International Hoplology Society ("IHS") exists to study the evolution and development of human combative behavior.

IHS Inc.

The United States Army Missile Command (MICOM) (now a part of the United States Army Aviation and Missile Command (AMCOM)) contracted with IHS to develop a common parts file to be used by contractors designing new products.

Lloyd's Register

Lloyd's Register sold its share of the venture to IHS in 2009.

Overton James

He lobbied officials of the Indian Health Service (IHS) and the Speaker of the U. S. House of Representatives, Carl Albert.

United Wa State Army

On 29th April 2013, Janes IHS reported that several Mil Mi-17 helicopters armed with TY-90 air-to-air missiles were supplied to UWSA by China.

Wharton Econometric Forecasting Associates

The deal anticipated the benefits of adding Global Insight to IHS' insight units, including Cambridge Energy Research Associates, Jane's Information Group, and IHS Herold's.

see also