
unusual facts about INAH


Deyanira África Melo

She was one of 52 Mexican women artists featured in the book 52 Mujeres en el Arte Mexicano: Una visión social y de género published by Secretaría de Desarrollo Social, CONACULTA and INAH.


A study of transsexual individuals by neuroanatomist Dick Swaab found male-to-female transsexuals to have a size and number of neurons of INAH-3 closer to a normal female range, and that female-to-male transsexuals have a size and number of INAH-3 neurons closer to a normal male range.

Leonardo López Luján

The year 1980 was especially significant in his career, for he began working at INAH’s Templo Mayor Project in the first season of excavations in Tenochtitlan’s sacred precinct under the direction of Eduardo Matos Moctezuma.

Vance T. Holliday

:In Sonora, field work in collaboration with M.G.Sanchez (INAH) focused on a series of Clovis sites, most prominently an in-situ Clovis/Gomphothere kill site and an extensive camping area on the adjacent uplands.

Xokonoschtletl Gómora

Over the years his request has been supported by the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH, National Institute of Anthropology and History), by Thomas Klestil, when he was president of Austria, and Heinz Fischer, current Austrian president and then president of the parliament.

see also