In the Irish Civil War, the "Irregulars" (anti-Treaty IRA) ceasefire of 30 April 1923
Ira Gershwin | Ira Glass | Provisional IRA Belfast Brigade | IRA Army Council | Ira Allen | Ira von Fürstenberg | Ella Fitzgerald Sings the George and Ira Gershwin Songbook | Ira D. Sankey | Who Cares? (George and Ira Gershwin song) | Ira Steven Behr | Ira Schneider | Ira Remsen | Ira Magaziner | Ira J. Kurzban | Ira Hayes | Ira Cohen | Ira Aldridge | Ira Terrell | Ira Shor | Ira Sharkansky | Ira Rennert | Ira M. Lapidus | Ira Katznelson | Ira Harris | Ira Gitler | Ira Black | Ira Berlin | Ira Basen | SIMPLE IRA | Provisional IRA East Tyrone Brigade |
Following the 1994 IRA ceasefire, Logue with two EU colleagues was asked by EU President Jacques Delors to consult widely throughout Northern Ireland and the Border regions and prepare recommendations for a Peace and Reconciliation Fund to underpin the peace process.