As of the 2006-07 school year results of ISAT testing, the grade average of students in grades three though eight and grade eleven generally hovered around the state average.
Over 85,000 aspirants applied for these seats in ISAT 2012 making IIST one of the most selective institutes in India.
As of the ISAT testing scores in 2006, the averages of North Boone Community Unit School District 200, with the exception of the eleventh grade mathematics scores, paralleled or rose just above the state average.
2006 ISAT results for grades three though eight and grade eleven exceeded or met, with the exception of the average third grade reading score, the state average.
Sunset Ridge was the top middle school in Illinois in ISAT testing in 2005, and is always one of the top two public schools in the State of Illinois.
The UMAT is used for domestic applicant selection into undergraduate courses only; applicants for graduate courses must sit the GAMSAT and international applicants must sit the ISAT instead.