The realm of the Great Darkness, an expanse of complete and utter darkness known as the Sunless Sea or the Shadowlands, has been referred to as the power source for shadow-manipulating characters like Richard Swift (the Shade), his archenemy Culp, Shadow-Thief, Nightshade, Ian Karkull, and Alan Scott's son Obsidian.
In the Superman: The Animated Series episode The Hand of Fate, it features a shadowy being called only Karkull (voiced by Ted Levine) as a powerful Cthulhu-like being accidentally freed when a petty thief robs a mystical artifact from a museum.
Ian Fleming | Ian McKellen | Ian Smith | Ian Rankin | Ian Brown | Ian Botham | Ian Thorpe | Ian McEwan | Ian Paisley | Ian Kershaw | Ian Bremmer | Ian Roberts | Ian Ogilvy | Ian McShane | Ian MacKaye | Ian Holm | Ian Carmichael | Ian Richardson | Ian La Frenais | Ian Gillan | Ian Dury | Ian Bannen | Janis Ian | Ian Roberts (actor) | Ian McNeice | Ian Edginton | Ian Anderson | Ian Pooley | Ian Page | Ian O'Brien |