
2 unusual facts about Icém


The nearby valley of the Grande river is a popular tourist destination, because of its natural beauty, abundant waterways and the many available leisure activities.

Among Icéms many points of interest are: Lago de Marimbondo (Marimbondo Lake), Praia Mariana (Mariana Beach), Desertinho (Little Desert), Rio Grande (Big River), the Marimbondo hydroelectric dam, Complexo da Usininha (Usininha Complex), Vila da Usininha (Usininha Village), Mata da Água Doce (Sweetwater Bush), Cânions da Usininha (Usininha Canyons), Braço do Rio Grande (Big River Delta) and Córrego da Água Doce (Sweetwater Stream).


International Federation for Emergency Medicine

The first ICEM was held in London in 1986 as a collaborative effort between the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), the British Association for Emergency Medicine (BAEM), the Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians (CAEP), and the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM).

see also