
2 unusual facts about IdZ


The Projekthaus System Soldat industrial consortium led by Rheinmetall Defence is currently developing IdZ -ES- for the German Army, the German Air Force and the German Navy.

The basic version of the IdZ system has already been integrated in some military vehicles, such as the ATF Dingo, Mungo ESK, TPz Fuchs and BV 206 D/S.


IdZ |

Project Scorpion

Project Scorpion is a facet of the Revolution in Military Affairs modernization program known in the U.S. as Future Combat Systems (FCS), in the UK as Future Rapid Effect System (FRES), in Germany known as Infanterist der Zukunft (IdZ), and in France as FÉLIN, an abbreviation for Fantassin à Équipments et Liaisons Intégrés (Integrated Infantryman Equipment and Communications).

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