Early criminologies, pejoratively referred to as ‘left idealist’ by Jock Young 1979, were never really popular in the United States, where critical criminology departments at some universities were closed for political reasons (Rock 1997).
Further, it considers the role of the law-givers like Manu in establishing the supremacy of the idealist traditions, and how due to the censor and censure anti-idealists like Varahamihira and Brahmagupta worked out their philosophies in distinctive Aesopian language, developing their own modes of camouflaging their ideas.
The biography tells the compelling story of her escape from the Nazi regime, her closseted upbringing in Palestine, her love affairs with the adventurer and writer Laurens van der Post and others, and her eventual emigration with the baby Eileen and her new husband Nigel - a gentle idealist - to an outback Queensland dairy farm.
On the other hand, it also follows in the tradition of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Sri Aurobindo, Henri Bergson, Alfred North Whitehead, and the German Idealist philosophers.
Then Kamel, who was working for the GIA, convinced Caze and Dumont, who was an idealist, to commit terrorist attacks in their hometown country because of the diplomatic relationships between France and Algeria.
Cecil B. DeMille called him “a young idealist”, and Fulton Oursler described him as ”the charm boy to end all charm boys”.
There had already been attempts of infiltration of local politics by Grey Wolves in 2000, but during the municipal elections of 2006 two candidacies of leaders of Idealist clubs were put under the attention of the main media, Fuat Korkmazer on the Flemish Christian Democrats list in Ghent and Murat Denizli on the Francophone Socialist Party list in Schaerbeek, a commune in the Brussels Region.
The Josiah Royce Papers, which is preparing a critical edition of the works of the American idealist philosopher.
In 2006, his life was made the subject of a film entitled The Idealist: James Beveridge, Film Guru, which won the Platinum Remi Award for World Peace and Understanding at the 39th WorldFest-Houston International Film Festival.
Lewin received his doctorate in philosophy with a thesis on the subject of the French idealist pantheist Nicolas Malebranche, and his work is still cited today in philosophical works on this subject.
The 24-year-old idealist first ran for the Connecticut General Assembly under the Socialist banner in 1902, collecting a grand total of 215 votes.
Wang Yangming (1472–1529), Ming Chinese idealist Neo-Confucian philosopher, official, educationist, calligraphist and general
’Death of an Idealist: In Search of Neil Aggett’ is a full referenced biography by Beverley Naidoo, with a Foreword by George Bizos SC.
In this film, he aids Naruto Uzumaki and Sakura Haruno in fighting against Haido, a utopian idealist seeking to rule the world with a power called Gelel.
Starry-eyed idealist, a pejorative use of the term do-gooder or goody two-shoes, often used to describe an unadvised virtuous person
The controversial scientific name of this species was given by Charles Lucien Bonaparte, Napoleon's nephew and a republican idealist, who described the bird from a badly damaged trade specimen purchased by British ornithologist Edward Wilson.