
unusual facts about In the Grass


Their first and only album is titled In the Grass, presumably a parody of the 1961 movie title Splendor in the Grass.

see also

Grass Range, Montana

Thomas Siebel, corporate officer and owner of two ranches in the Grass Range area.

Linda Willis

Willis stated to assassination researcher and author Richard Trask (“Pictures of the Pain” 1994) that after the assassination she and her sister Rosemary also saw someone find a piece of the president's head that had landed in the grass located at least twenty-two feet to the left of the president.

Organic beef

In the grass-fed program, the cattle continue to eat certified organic grass right up to the time of slaughtering.

Oscar Perdomo Gamboa

In 2011 with the poet Hernando Urriago Benítez published Escrito en la grama (written in the grass) an anthology of Colombian short stories about soccer.

Rosemary Willis

Rosemary's sister, Linda Willis, stated to assassination researcher and author Richard Trask (“Pictures of the Pain” 1994) that after the assassination, she and Rosemary also saw someone find a piece of the president's head that had landed in the grass in a location at least twenty-two feet to the left of the president.

TAZARA Railway

The woodlands include Brachystegia trees, while a variety of flowers, among them the rare Eulophia norlindhii orchid, flourish in the grass beneath the trees.

William Allen Harper

William Allen Harper was a Texas Christian University medical student who, after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, discovered a large piece of President Kennedy's skull bone in the grass to the left of President Kennedy and 117' forward of his location when he was first shot in the head.

Woolen Under Where

Ralph attempts to run, but he's caught up in the grass, in much the same way as he was caught in the parachute in Ready, Woolen and Able.