
unusual facts about Inauguration Day

Charles F. Masterson

Thus, shortly after Inauguration Day, Val Peterson (former Governor of Nebraska) was appointed to a position as an Administrative Assistant to President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Nigel Jaquiss

Jaquiss later broke the initial news of Portland mayor Sam Adams' affair with an intern who may have been underage at the onset of their affair, on President Barack Obama's Inauguration Day.

see also

Albert G. Brown

In the 1994 alternative history/science fiction novel The Guns of the South, Brown serves as the running mate to Robert E. Lee in the 1867 Confederate Presidential Election opposing Nathan Bedford Forrest and Louis Wigfall, and is elected vice president, but is killed during an assassination attempt against Lee on his inauguration day.

Shattered Union

Later, Interpol reveals the results of its investigation regarding the Inauguration Day bombing.