Howell later co-authored the book History of the Incandescent Lamp, the authoritative source for the identification and description of Edison lamps.
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Alessandro Cruto was an Italian inventor, born in the village of Piossasco, who improved on Thomas Edisons incandescent light bulb.
Freshwater aquarium lighting is commonly provided by screw-in incandescent bulbs, fluorescent tubes and LED lamps.
Major-General Sir Henry Havelock, a military leader during the Indian Mutiny, was born in Bishopwearmouth on 5 April 1795, as was Joseph Swan, famous for the invention of the incandescent light bulb, on 31 October 1828.
The reticle is illuminated by an electronic light source (an incandescent light bulb or, more recently, a light-emitting diode) or by ambient light gathered behind the reticle via an opalescent window or fiber optic light pipe.
The first professor of metallurgy and chemical technology was Franjo Hanaman, a co-inventor of the tungsten filament for electric lamps.
Although the young firm thrived in the telegraph industry, it was not until the invention of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876, and the incandescent lamp by Thomas Alva Edison in 1879, that Western Electric began to gain stature as a large company.
After receipt of his doctorate, Mey was employed at the Militärversuchsamt Tegel and then at the Allgemeine Elektrizitäts-Gesellschaft, where he specialized in research and development of incandescent light bulbs.
In 1879, Joseph Swan and Thomas Edison independently developed—combining and perfecting existing elements deriving from the research of Humphry Davy, De Moleyn and Göbel—the incandescent filament electric light bulb.
One highlight of the show was the largest to-date installation of incandescent light bulbs, having been recently invented by Thomas Edison (a resident of Louisville sixteen years before), to bring light to the exposition in the nighttime.
Some models use incandescent bulbs, while others use LEDs with electronically controlled power regulation and adjustable brightness.
These weapon-mounted lights use a shock-absorbing assembly to protect the tungsten filament bulb from recoil, alternatively shock-resistant LEDs are used.
Among the material on the surviving reels is the earliest known recording of the NBC chimes, a broadcast of a high school basketball match (believed to be the world's second-oldest recording of a sports broadcast) and a historic 1929 recording of the 82-year-old Thomas Edison, with Henry Ford and President Herbert Hoover, speaking on a broadcast commemorating the 50th anniversary of the invention of the incandescent light bulb.