
3 unusual facts about Indiana bat

Criterion Wind Project

A lawsuit was filed in December 2010 against the Criterion Wind Project alleging that the project must obtain an Incidental Take Permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for any Indiana bats killed or injured by the turbine blades.

Indiana bat

The Indiana bat was listed as "endangered throughout its range" in the Federal Register, March 11, 1967.

Interstate 781

In April 2009, project engineers discovered that Indiana bats—an endangered species of bat—live in the area in and surrounding the proposed right-of-way of the Fort Drum Connector (I-781).

Newsome Sinks Karst Area

There are over 15 rare species in the area, such as the southern cavefish, gray bat, Indiana bat, American Hart’s-tongue fern and Tennessee bladderfern.

see also