
unusual facts about Indigenous

Annamit myotis

The Annamit myotis (Myotis annamiticus) is a species of mouse-eared bat in the family Vespertilionidae, described in 2001, and indigenous to the Minh Hóa Districton the northern coast of Vietnam.

Argentina–Canada relations

In October/November 2005, the II Indigenous Summit of the Americas was held in Buenos Aires and Mendoza, with the assistance of the government of Canada and organizational support from the Assembly of First Nations in Canada.

Azad Maidan riots

The indigenous Bodo community of Assam alleged that the Muslim population is increasing in Assam due to the large influx of illegal immigrants from Bangladesh, while the local Muslim community brushed it aside saying that they migrated to Assam during the British Raj.

Brew Masters

Sam travels to New Zealand and collaborates with Epic Brewing Company to brew a special indigenous tamarillo and pōhutukawa brew for Beervana, an annual craft beer competition.


Ch'orti' people - one of the indigenous Maya peoples of southeastern Guatemala and western Honduras


Besides spearheading the revival of indigenous dance forms, Chitrasena also made his stage debut as Othello in the Ernest MacIntyre production of Shakespeare's ‘Othello' and Emperor Jones in the late Karan Breckenridge's production of Eugene O'Neill's 'Emperor Jones'.

Clara Swain

Although there had been indigenous resistance to Western medicine and religion in India, the mission had successfully procured an estate from the Nawab of Rampur, on which to expand medical facilities.

Constable Care

Based in Maylands WA, they travel the state visiting over 500 schools a year including remote indigenous community schools.

Curepipe Botanic Gardens

Some have been planted in the gardens, including a variety of indigenous "Vacoas" (Pandanus) species which have been established around the lake.

Cynanchum ellipticum

It occurs in coastal scrub from Cape Town as far north as Mozambique and further inland up to 1300 m, and may be found on flats or moderate slopes, in sand or between rocks, in indigenous forests and along forest margins and thickets, frequently occurring in disturbed habitats.

Daniel Christian

Born in 1983, Christian grew up in the town of Narrandera in the Riverina region of New South Wales and is of indigenous ancestry (Wiradjuri).

Esselen people

The Spanish state based its right over the land and persons of the Indies on the Papal charge to evangelize the indigenous population.

Fouquieria columnaris

The peculiar distribution pattern of the mainland boojums has led Mexican botanists to conclude that they were probably transplanted to the mainland by the indigenous Seri people, who lived in this area and still live on communal property south of this location.

Governance Initiative for Rights and Accountability in Forest Management

The Governance Initiative for Rights & Accountability in Forest Management (GIRAF) is a project executed in Ghana with funds from the European Union (EU) and its partners CARE Denmark, CIVIC Response, Friends of the Earth-Ghana and Centre for Indigenous Knowledge.

Grampians National Park

The rock art was created by Jardwadjali and Djab Wurrung peoples, and while Aboriginal communities continue to pass on knowledge and cultural traditions, much indigenous knowledge has also been lost since European settlement of the area from 1840.

Heinlein juveniles

The Mars of several of the books (Red Planet, Between Planets, The Rolling Stones, and Time for the Stars) has indigenous, intelligent (even dangerous) life, but not necessarily the same Martians in each book.

Hermosillo Seris

The Hermosillo Seris (Seris being one of the indigenous peoples of the Sonoran Desert region of North America) was an American Basketball Association (ABA) team based in Hermosillo, Mexico.

History of slavery in Alaska

Whereas the continental United States mostly saw enslavement of Africans brought across the Atlantic Ocean, in Alaska indigenous people, and some whites, enslaved indigenous people from other tribes.

Jeneda Benally

Not only has she been a Miss Flagstaff Indian Days Powwow Princess, she is also a national Native American Honor Roll Society member, a spokeswoman for the Navajo Nation Tribal Employee Program, and one of the founders of the Indigenous Youth Network.

Joan Peters

Joan Peters (born 1938) is a former CBS news producer of documentaries, and the author best known for a number of theses on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, put forward in her controversial book From Time Immemorial, published in 1984, in which she claims that the Palestinians are largely not indigenous to the area and therefore do not have claims to territory.

John McGill

Biraban (died 1846), indigenous Australian leader known to Europeans as John McGill

Loa to Divine Narcissus

This loa is a commentary on historical events involving indigenous Aztec inhabitants and Spanish colonists.


According to European historical records, the current city of Lokoja was founded by William Balfour Baikie, although indigenous people have been living in the area for thousands of years.


The indigenous Wayuu managed contraband trading routes through Maicao arriving from Aruba, Curaçao, Venezuela and other Caribbean sea territories mostly coffee, alcohol, tobacco and weapons among other taxable articles.

Mamaindê language

Mamaindê, also known as Northern Nambikwara, is a Nambikwaran language spoken in the Mato Grosso state of Brazil, in the very north of the indigenous reserve, Terra Indígena Vale do Guaporé, between the Pardo and Cabixi Rivers.

Maya ICBG bioprospecting controversy

The Maya ICBG bioprospecting controversy took place in 1999–2000, when the International Cooperative Biodiversity Group led by Ethnobiologist Dr. Brent Berlin was accused of being engaged in unethical forms of bioprospecting (biopiracy), by several NGOs and indigenous organizations.

Mornen noir

In 1902, L. Rougier, an ampelographer writing for Pierre Viala and Victor Vermorel's catalog of grape varieties speculated that Mornen noir was indigenous to the western Rhône-Alpes region in the area between the Rhone and upper Loire rivers.

Mountain Meadow Ranch

Originally a hunting camp for the indigenous Maidu Native Americans, in 1902 the ranch came under the ownership of wealthy hunter George Wingfield, who first homesteaded the area.

Movimiento Armado Quintin Lame

Thanks to an organization created years earlier by the indigenous leader Manuel Quintín Lame (1880–1967), the group had the support of many indigenous communities in the region of the Valle del Cauca, Huila, Tolima, and parts of the departments of Meta and Caquetá Department.

Mukkadal Dam

The mountain consists of soaring and lofty trees of Mesua ferrea, Bischofia javanica, Vitex Altissima to smaller trees of Dillini a species of festooning climber, shrubs, valuable herbs, variety of orchids, two types of canes and many indigenous palms and cycads.


The concubine Amanni Shahan of the Yerqiang kingdom (1526-1560) is credited with collecting and thereby preserving the Twelve Muqam, while reshaping its style to draw more from the indigenous traditions of the Tian Shan mountains and purging it of the Perso-Arabic.

Pintupi dialect

Pintupi is the name commonly used to refer to a variety of the Western Desert Language spoken by indigenous people whose traditional lands are in the area between Lake MacDonald and Lake Mackay, stretching from Mount Liebig in the Northern Territory to Jupiter Well (west of Pollock Hills) in Western Australia.

Policia Militar Ambulante

Between 1980 and 1983, through the presidencies of Romeo Lucas Garcia and Efrain Rios Montt, the PMA played a key role in the counterinsurgency operations in the predominantly indigenous Altiplano, where the EGP maintained its strongholds.

Rama people

The Rama have struggled against the Nicaraguan government and mestizo landowners for rights to their ancestral lands and have joined forces with the other Nicaraguan indigenous groups the Miskito and the Sumo peoples.


Sajama Lines, straight paths etched into the ground by the indigenous people living near Nevado Sajama

Saleem Kidwai

With Ruth Vanita, he is co-editor of Same-Sex Love in India: Readings from Literature and History (New York: Palgrave; New Delhi: Macmillan, 2000), a pioneering work documenting and exploring the indigenous roots of same-sex desire in South Asia.

Santa Catarina Palopó

The vast majority of the residents of the town are indigenous, descending from the Kaqchikel Maya.

Simon Grunau

Traditions of the Old Prussians, the indigenous people of the region prior to the Prussian Crusade and influx of German colonists, were used in an attempt to find a common ground.

Systematic Census of Australian Plants

The lines of demarkation between truly indigenous and more recently immigrated plants can no longer in all cases be drawn with precision; but whereas Alchemilla vulgaris and Veronica serpillifolia were found along with several European Carices in untrodden parts of the Australian Alps during the author's earliest explorations, Alchemilla arvensis and Veronica peregrina were at first only noticed near settlements.

Takariya Napaltjarri

'Napaljarri' (in Warlpiri) or 'Napaltjarri' (in Western Desert dialects) is a skin name, one of sixteen used to denote the subsections or subgroups in the kinship system of central Australian Indigenous people.

Taymyr Autonomous Okrug

A quarter of the population identified themselves as indigenous Siberians (Dolgans, Nenets, Nganasans, Evenks, or Enets).

Things We Do

Indigenous was featured on broadcast shows such as NPR's All Things Considered, Late Night with Conan O'Brien, CBS Saturday Morningand Austin City Limits.


Tjandamurra O'Shane (born 1990) - An Indigenous Australian who was the victim of a fire attack in 1996.


Urraca Mesa, a mesa in northern New Mexico on the property of Philmont Scout Ranch, which is the most lightning-struck place in the state and has religious significance to a number of local indigenous tribes

Vethathiri Maharishi

However, he remained a “householder”, i.e. he did not break his family ties or take vows of renunciation, but rather lived in the indigenous Siddha tradition, maintaining family ties.

Vieux Fort Quarter

A notable tourist attraction is the Maria Islands Nature Reserve, managed by the Saint Lucia National Trust, which is a nesting ground for leatherback turtles and is home to a species of iguana indigenous to St. Lucia.

Villas Boas

Villas-Bôas brothers, Orlando (1914–2002), Cláudio (1916–1998) and Leonardo Villas-Bôas (1918–1961), Brazilian activists regarding indigenous peoples

Vincente de Valverde

He was born in Oropesa, Spain, about 1495 and most sources claim he died on Puná Island, now part of Ecuador, in 1541, at the hands of the indigenous peoples.

Yaruro language

The Yaruro language (also spelled Llaruro or Yaruru; also called Yuapín or Pumé) is an indigenous language spoken by Yaruro people, along the Orinoco, Sinaruco, Meta, and Apure rivers of Venezuela.

Yolŋu languages

Yolŋu Matha is a cover term for the languages of the Yolngu (Yolŋu), the Indigenous people of northeast Arnhem Land in northern Australia.

see also