
100 unusual facts about Mars

Acrobat Mission

In the year 2100, the Earth's environment is devastated by its inhabitants, who develop their space technology to live on Mars.

Alex Deakin

In a number of segments during the show he gave reports on the type of weather that is experienced on Mars.

Armored Core 2

Using these plans, Zio sends a research team to Mars to begin the Terraforming Project, which causes the Martian surface and atmosphere to approximate that of Earth.

Artaxias III

They gave Germanicus and Drusus Julius Caesar ovations in entering the city and arches bearing their statues to be erected on either side the temple of Mars the Avenger.

Australian rules football in Tasmania

On 30 July, the Tasmanian government announced that it had secured a major sponsor, Mars for the bid in a deal worth $4 million over 3 years.

Battlezone: Rise of the Black Dogs

During the war, the Americans and Soviets discover an artifact and a weapons factory on Mars built by the same race of aliens that created the bio-metal.

Beethoven quadrangle

Geologic evidence for the reconstruction of the evolutionary history of Mercury is less complete than for the Moon and Mars, for which orbiting spacecraft and landers have provided total or near-total coverage and high-resolution images.

Bot Colony

As Nakagawa’s robots will play a major role in the colonization of Mars, they need to achieve a high degree of autonomy.

Cardiac rhythm problems during space flight

The incidence and clinical significance of cardiac arrhythmias during long-term exposure to microgravity experienced on the International Space Station (ISS) or during a prolonged (that is, up to 3 years) sojourn to Mars or on the Moon are a concern for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

Carroll Bierman

Gallahadion paid $72.40 on a $2 bet for winning the "Run for the Roses" in the colors of Ethel V. Mars, heiress to the Mars Candy fortune.


Although there are considerable differences between terrestrial and Martian geology, some features on Mars are also believed to be evaporite basins, and consequently share at least some features of chotts.

Core rope memory

Core rope memory is a form of read-only memory (ROM) for computers, first used in the 1960s by early NASA Mars probes and then in the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) designed and programmed by the MIT Instrumentation Lab and built by Raytheon.

Cosmic Circle of Fellowship

After leaving prison, with flying saucers suddenly in the news, Ferguson reported he had travelled astrally to Mars, telling his few followers that Mars was about to send a friendly expedition to the earth.

Cui Guicong

Also at Cui's suggestion, the sacrifices made to the gods of nine regions of heaven were downgraded to below those offered to the gods of the five planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn), as he pointed out that traditionally, the gods of the nine regions were considered lower in status to the gods of the five planets.

Daniel Dravot

In the comics adaptation H. G. Wells' The War of the Worlds and Scarlet Traces Ian Edginton and D'Israeli, Dravot works for Dr. Davenport Spry, an official of the British government preparing for a counter-invasion of Mars following the events of The War of the Worlds.


The north pole of Mars points to the midpoint of the line connecting Deneb and the star Alderamin.

Dweller on the threshold

Alice Bailey in Esoteric Astrology suggests that Mars and Saturn are involved in the third initiation, the initiation where illusion is finally overcome.

E.V.O.: Search for Eden

It is also revealed the crystals were introduced to Earth by an advanced civilization on Mars, who misguidedly wished to help Earth by speeding its evolution with the crystals.

Echo Round His Bones

The United States has created a Mars base, Camp Jackson Mars, to which supplies and personnel are transmitted regularly.

Emmanuel Liais

He made astronomical observations of Mars and in 1865 speculated that the dark albedo features were vegetation and not water (in fact, as we know today, they are neither).


The game takes place in outer space, specifically near Earth, Mars, Saturn, and asteroids, but gravity functions as it would on earth.

Gaston Millochau

From 1899 until 1903 he observed Mars at the Meudon Observatory and reported some details visible on its surface.


Such CRSs may include both other terrestrial systems and those for non-terrestrial coordinates such as those on the Moon or Mars.

Goshen, Connecticut

Asaph Hall, astronomer credited with discovering the moons of Mars

Heinlein juveniles

The Mars of several of the books (Red Planet, Between Planets, The Rolling Stones, and Time for the Stars) has indigenous, intelligent (even dangerous) life, but not necessarily the same Martians in each book.

Hsu Fu Chi

In 1997, Transpac invested in the company, and the brand became the top-selling brand in China for ten years; in 2008, they were relegated to the number 2 position, asafter Mars.

Islands in the Sky

Also, at the end of the book, a photograph is seen by Roy of small, gentle native inhabitants of Mars, supposedly friendly to human beings after their colonization there.

J B Khot High School

They are closely followed by the Martian high school, Mars.

James C. Fletcher

During his first administration at NASA, Fletcher was responsible for beginning the Space Shuttle effort, as well as the Viking program that sent landers to Mars.

Jean de La Hire

In Le Mystère des XV (The Mystery Of The XV) (1911), Oxus tried to conquer the planet Mars.

Jeffrey L. Bada

Bada has played a pioneering role in the development of the Mars Organic Detector (MOD) instrument package that is designed to search for amino acids and other organic compounds directly on the surface of Mars during future ESA and NASA missions.

Jesus: Kyōfu no Bio Monster

Halley's Comet has been approaching Mars for quite some time, and the nations of Earth send a mission to investigate the Comet, as some form of life has been detected inside the gas of the comet.

Justice League Heroes

However, the League realize it has been upgraded; capable of breaking Earth's orbit, the missile has actually been fired at Mars in an effort to free the White Martians, who will invade Earth upon being rewoken.

K. R. Sridhar

The Laboratory was asked by NASA to undertake research into how life could be made sustainable on Mars.

Kaleidoscope Century

The narrator Joshua -- at first appearing to be just over 60 years old, wakes up May 27, 2109 in an apartment on human-settled Mars.

Kelvin Mercer

Plug One - An early concept for 3 Feet High and Rising involved music being transmitted from Mars by three microphone plugs (each one representing a member of the group).


Kohir, Zaheerabad, Bidar, and neighbouring places brings to mind the Red Planet, and the land is usually red roads, red stones on streets with red houses made of red soil and black soil in agriculture land.

Laurence Bergreen

In 2007, Bergreen was asked by NASA to name some geological features surrounding the Victoria crater on Mars, based on places Ferdinand Magellan visited.

Lego Mars Mission

It is set on Mars and features astronauts, aliens, and high-tech machinery.

Lego Soccer Mania

After winning pieces for their own ship, the team goes into space, and finally faces off the Brickster and his soccer team on Mars.

Lindstrand Balloons

Per Lindstrand also independently operates a separate company, Lindstrand Technologies, which designs and builds gas balloons, innovative buildings, specialized aerospace equipment (including an advanced parachute for the Beagle 2 Mars-lander) and cutting edge inflatable structures including aircraft hangars, plugs for fire-containment for road tunnels and flood prevention systems.

Lise de Baissac

Her SOE dossier states "She was the inspiring-force for the groups in the Orne, and through her initiatives she inflicted heavy losses on the Germans thanks to anti-tyre devices scattered on the roads near Saint-Aubin-du-Désert, Saint-Mars-du-Désert, and even as far as Laval, Le Mans and Rennes. She also took part in armed attacks on enemy columns."

Liu Bocheng

The doctor was greatly moved by this display of courage and perseverance, and out of great respect he gave Liu the nickname "Chinese Mars".

Liu's nicknames, Chinese Mars and The One-eyed Dragon, also reflect his character and military achievement.

Lush For Life

He resides in Berlin during the summer months, while also making monthly visits to Lush For Life's secondary base on the planet Mars.

Mars Hills

The name was proposed in 1977 by New Zealand geologist Christopher J. Burgess in association with the Viking Hills and because of the color resemblance to that of the planet Mars.

Mars Space Flight Facility

Scientists, researchers, and students there specialize in using instruments on spacecraft at Mars for remote sensing research primarily concerning the geology and mineralogy of the planet.

Marshawn Lynch

After Lynch was shown eating the candy during a nationally-televised game on December 5, 2011, Mars offered him a two-year supply of Skittles and a custom dispenser for his locker.

Martialis heureka

The genus name therefore refers to the planet Mars, alluding to the strange characteristics that seem to come out of nowhere, the species epithet is from Ancient Greek ηὕρηκα "I found it", echoing Archimedes' famous exclamation was meant to epitomize the troubles involved in the rediscovery of the species after the first specimen discovered in a soil sample was lost.

Martian Child

Martian Child is a 2007 American comedy-drama film about a writer who adopts a strange young boy who believes himself to be from Mars.

Maurice Limat

Maurice Limat published science fiction novels such as Les Fiancés de la Planète Mars The Fiancés of Planet Mars (1936) and Les Naufragés de la Voie Lactée The Castaways of the Milky Way (1939), with a style that was reminiscent of the type of science fiction published before or just after World War I.

McCormick Observatory

In 1877 while the McCormick Refractor was still in Cambridgeport, Alvan Clark used it to verify the discovery of the moons of Mars the night after the discovery observations were made by Asaph Hall with the Naval Observatory refractor.

Mobile Suit Gundam SEED C.E. 73 Δ Astray

Δ Astray follows a team dispatched from Mars to Earth to establish contact with the coordinators of the ZAFT colonies and the humans on earth and bring an understanding to their constant warring.

Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny Astray

Lowe is effectively removed from the story in the first chapter of Destiny Astray where he begins a long journey to Mars.

Musashimurayama East High School

In 1994, Masanori Hirasawa, a teacher at the school, found an asteroid orbiting between Mars and Jupiter (1994WQ12) and named it 7892 Musamurahigashi, after the school name.


Consequently, the emphasis of production shifted away from chocolate (where Cadburys, Rowntrees and Mars dominated) towards sweets.

Nexus: The Jupiter Incident

The player is Marcus Cromwell, a captain whose father, Richard Cromwell, the first spaceborn human, captained the colony ship Noah's Ark through a wormhole near Mars that was presumed destroyed when the wormhole collapsed.

Odyssey 5

However, during the series, another group of Synthetics are discovered to be from Mars and that in the original timeline, all the Synthetics created by humanity are destroyed by a satellite designed for that purpose by a cabal within the US government.


In fact, the sphere of the seven stars, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury, and the Moon, were supposed to be presided over, each by a different archon.

Opus the Penguin

A misdirected Mars probe happened to give him the means to return to Bloom County, where he set about looking for his old friends.

Organic compound

Mellitic acid, which contains no C-H bonds, is considered a possible organic substance in Martian soil.

Orion Lite

The intention of designing Orion Lite would be to provide a stripped down version of the Orion that will be available for missions to the International Space Station earlier than the more capable Orion, which is designed for longer duration missions to the Moon, Mars, Lagrange points, and Near Earth asteroids.

Peter Englert

Englert remains at the university as a faculty member in the Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology, and continues to work on research related to the planet Mars.


This helps him begin to understand and learn the languages of the planet of Malacandra (Mars) in the first book, Out of the Silent Planet

Polonia brothers

Killer piranhas, killer Easter bunnies, haunted houses, trips to Mars, assorted demons, all were covered in the course of several decades of film-making.

Quamzin Kravshera

He was immediately dispatched to Mars in a plot to disable the Macross while she was landed and taking supplies from an abandoned U.N. Spacy base on the planet.

Quorn, South Australia

The name Quorn has been used as a name for a crater on the planet Mars, without commemorating the town.

Rabil, Cape Verde

The area around Rabil are almost entirely flat and deserted with rocks making it look like Mars with no grasslands.

Red Planet

Red Planet is a nickname for the planet Mars, due to its surface color.


In addition to globes of Earth, Replogle also makes globes of Venus, Mars, the moon, and the celestial sphere.

Richard Mingus

Behind the scenes, planning was underway for a nuclear-powered spaceship that could reach Mars.

Ride Report

It proposes some new missions, such as a cometary mission, an extended Cassini mission (including three probes; one for the study of the atmosphere of Saturn, one atmospheric Titan probe and one to land on Titan) and a Mars sample return mission.

Rover Environmental Monitoring Station

Rover Environmental Monitoring Station (REMS) is a weather station on Mars for Curiosity rover contributed by Spain and Finland.

Scott J. Horowitz

On one of his space shuttle flights as commander, he had the Mars Society's Martian flag hoisted up a mast out of the space shuttle payload bay, and flew the shuttle under the flag of Mars.

Horowitz has been active in advocating reorienting NASA's focus to human exploration of Mars, with the goals of permanent human outposts and settlements on the red planet.

Scott Lynch

The story is a science fantasy romance, in the style of Edgar Rice Burroughs' Barsoom novels, about a female aviator and ex-WASP who is transported to a fantastic Mars.


As was standard practice, as revealed by inscriptions, the Romans matched their deities with local Silurian ones, and the local deity Ocelus was identified with Mars, the Roman god of war.


Brian Cox's BBC series Wonders of the Solar System saw a scientist examining snottites in the caves and positing that if there is life on Mars, it may be similarly primitive and hidden beneath the surface of the Red Planet.

Space Mouse

In this tale, Space Mouse and Millie notice a strange growth in the backyard and discover that it is being caused by an atomic ray from Mars.


The cloning procedure, however, was improperly done, and the child — whom T'Pol named Elizabeth in honor of Trip's deceased sister — died soon after being rescued from the Mars facility where she was being held.

Take On Mars

The user assumes control of a rover or lander in order to explore Mars.

Tars Tarkas

In Kage Baker's novel The Empress of Mars, human colonists on Mars have a Christmas-like celebration, and a settler appears costumed as "Uncle Tars Tarkas", giving gifts to children as if he were Father Christmas or Santa Claus.

Tars Tarkas is the first Barsoomian John Carter encounters when he appears on Mars.

The Exiles

The crew of a rocket ship headed for the planet Mars is dying and plagued by nightmarish visions and dreams.

The War of the Worlds: Next Century

The film starts with the arrival of a more advanced civilization from Mars which purports to have a friendly attitude towards Earthlings.

The World of Synnibarr

Synnibarr is actually Mars 50,000 years in the future, hollowed out and turned into a spaceship to take humanity to a safe place after the Earth had been destroyed.

This Little Wiggy

The family go there the following Saturday, where Bart wanders off and walks into an exhibit of the planet Mars.

Timothy Brinton

Sometimes cited as a British parallel to Orson Welles's radio production of The War of the Worlds, Alternative 3 purported to be an investigation into Britain's contemporary "brain drain." Alternative 3 was supposedly a plan to relocate a cross section of Earth's scientific and philosophical population to Mars in the event of climate change or some other planetary catastrophe.

Transformers: The Reign of Starscream

The Transformers use spaceships, the absence of which in the film is explained by the Decepticons parking theirs (the Nemesis) on Mars before flying as protoforms to Earth.

Triple point

The triple point pressure of water was used during the Mariner 9 mission to Mars as a reference point to define "sea level".

Valeri Polyakov

In doing so, he wished to prove that humans could be physically capable of working on the surface of Mars after a long-duration transit phase.

Vishahareswara Temple

It is also believed that worshiping Shiva & Parvathy here gets one relieved of the evil effects of Rahu, Kethu and Mars, and also finalizes marriages.

Waking Mars

Waking Mars is an Platform-adventure game produced by Tiger Style in which players jetpack through underground Mars caves and encounter a host of alien lifeforms that operate as an ecosystem.

Warlords of Atlantis

They wish to make Charles one of them, and explain how they originally came from Mars and are using their mind powers to shape human history.

Wonders of the Solar System

The final installment covers life surviving in extreme environments, and how the search for life on other worlds follows the search for water, focusing on Mars, and on Jupiter's moon Europa.

The third episode looks at the atmosphere of the planets and moons of the Solar System, with Earth, Mars, and Titan being the main focus.

Wop May

On October 6, 2004, NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity located a rock on the south slope of the Endurance Crater on Mars.

World economy

For example, while attempts could be made to calculate the value of currently unexploited mining opportunities in unclaimed territory in Antarctica, the same opportunities on Mars would not be considered a part of the world economy—even if currently exploited in some way—and could be considered of latent value only in the same way as uncreated intellectual property, such as a previously unconceived invention.

Yajaira Sierra Sastre

The NASA Human Research Program is funding a project called "HI-SEAS," an acronym for “Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation,” to determine the best way to keep astronauts well nourished during multiple-year missions to Mars or the moon.

Zeugma, Commagene

A bronze statue of Mars, which aroused increased media interest in Zeugma, was found amongst storage jars in the larder of one of the villas.

A Prophetic Romance

A Prophetic Romance: Mars to Earth is an 1896 utopian novel written by John McCoy, and published pseudonymously as the work of "The Lord Commissioner," the narrator of the tale.

Aki, Kōchi

The name Aki has been used for a crater on the planet Mars by the International Astronomical Union, although not specifically commemorating the city.


In this world, Jupiter became a fixed star and the homeland of mankind is Mars instead of Earth.

Aquio River

It has a registered sister river on the Cydonia region of Mars, and the native people have always been very proud of this status.

Beagle 2

After landing on Mars, it was revealed it was destroyed by a Decepticon 13 seconds after being activated.

Bobak Ferdowsi

Adam Steltzner, lead engineer of the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover Entry, Descent and Landing phase

Bochum Observatory

As a result of a complete upgrading, the installation has an accuracy of about 1/1000 of a degree in positioning and is thus being prepared for the planned Mars mission AMSAT P5A, which will be partly navigated by the IUZ Bochum.

Brian Eddy

When pinball designer Steve Ritchie was asked about the design similarities between his Spider-Man pinball machine and Eddy's Attack From Mars, Ritchie admitted that he had designed Spider-Mans playfield as an homage to Eddy, and specifically to Attack From Mars.

Carl Otto Lampland

Together with William Coblentz, he measured large differences between the day and night temperatures on Mars which implied a thin Martian atmosphere.

Catherine Cate Coblentz

Mrs. Coblentz published a poem on Mars in Popular Astronomy magazine in 1924, the same year that her husband was measuring the temperature of Mars at the Lowell Observatory.


Chotts have also been studied because they are believed to be an Earth analogue to similar features on the planet Mars.


Mars cycler (or Earth-Mars cycler), a spacecraft trajectory that encounters Earth and Mars on a regular basis, or a spacecraft on such a trajectory

David J. Eicher

The asteroid, a main belt object in orbit between Mars and Jupiter, was discovered by astronomer Brian A. Skiff at Lowell Observatory’s Anderson Mesa Station in 1984 and the citation was proposed and written by astronomer David H. Levy.


Borders were reinforced by immigrants, trying to escape the Federation, from other planets such as Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

Forrest Mars, Jr.

The ex-couple made significant contributions to the privately owned governing body for Fort Ticonderoga, though a falling-out between Executive Director Nicholas Westbrook and Mrs. Mars led to her resignation from the board and the end of the then-couple's financial support.

Forrest Mars, Sr.

After he returned to the United States, Mars started his own food business, Food Products Manufacturing, where he established the Uncle Ben's Rice line and a gourmet food

Heinrich Louis d'Arrest

In 1864 D'Arrest made an unsuccessful search for Martian satellites, and posited an upper limit of 70 minutes of arc as the distance from Mars within which a moon should be sought.

Henri Joseph Anastase Perrotin

Perrotin crater on Mars has been named in his honor, as has asteroid 1515 Perrotin.

James Marcello

The case was prosecuted by federal mob prosecutors Mitch Mars, T. Markus Funk, and John Scully.

Jennie Livingston

Who's the Top?, Livingston's first dramatic film, a 22-minute-long short film, premiered at Berlin International Film Festival in 2005, and stars Marin Hinkle, Shelly Mars, and Steve Buscemi.

Joseph Epping

He discovered the table of differences for the new moon in one of the tablets, and identified Guttu with Mars, Sakku with Saturn, and Te-ut with Jupiter (Epping and Strassmaier in Stimmen aus Maria-Laach, vol. 21, pp. 277–292).

Kaleidoscope Century

By the time One True consolidated its hold on the people of Earth, Mars, the Jupiter and Saturn systems had been colonized for decades.

Kitty Kane

Katelyn "Kitty" Kane, a United States resident that is known for her application and viral campaign to colonize Mars through the Mars One Project

Kurd Lasswitz

His first published science fiction story was "Bis zum Nullpunkt des Seins" ("To the Zero Point of Existence", 1871), depicting life in 2371, but he earned his reputation with his 1897 novel Two Planets, which describes an encounter between humans and a Martian civilization that is older and more advanced.


Votive inscriptions for Mars Latobius are typically found on mountain tops (e.g., on the highest peak of the Koralpe mountain range, between the Lavant and Mur valleys) and on passes in former Noricum.

Manned Venus Flyby

As a "Plan B" in case the proposed Inspiration Mars fly-by of Mars missed its 2018 launch window, in November 2013 Dennis Tito proposed a different mission architecture whereby the mission craft would first fly-by Venus, using Venus in a gravitational slingshot to speed the craft's onward journey to Mars.

Margherita de' Medici

To welcome the couple back to Parma, Mercury and Mars, with music by Claudio Monteverdi and text Claudio Achillini was performed in the Teatro Farnese.

Mars family

Forrest E. Mars, Jr. (born August 16, 1931) – son of Forrest E. Mars, Sr.

Mars Institute

Donated by AM General, the Mars-1 Humvee is designed to safely and reliably accommodate crews of up to four researchers on Devon Island and to act as a test bed for future manned rovers on the moon and Mars.

Mars Music

The Mars Music e-commerce division, marsmusic.com, co-sponsored Metallica's Summer Sanitarium Tour in the summer of 2000, including online fan chats and a live concert webcast.

North American DC-3

By about 1970 these had settled on the near-term launching of a 12-man space station in 1975, expanding this to a 50-man "space base" by 1980, a smaller lunar-orbiting station, and then eventually a manned mission to Mars in the 1980s.


The name Oodnadatta has been used as a name for a crater on the planet Mars.

Richard Hoagland

Richard C. Hoagland (born 1945), fringe researcher, famous for his theories on the Face on Mars

St Mark's Clock

The relative positions of five planets (Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, and Mercury) were shown, as were the moon's phases and the position of the Sun in the zodiac.

Vanna Bonta

In 2013, a haiku by Vanna Bonta was among top three selections to be launched to the planet Mars on a NASA spaceship for the MAVEN mission.


One of these inscriptions suggests that ‘Veraudunus’ may have been an epithet of the important Treveran god Lenus Mars.

Wilmer Herrison

This exhibition shows like in a travelogue, the deities (with Pachamama, Malku,...), the history of the Amerindian peoples (with Aymara, Tiwanaku,...), the encounter with different civilizations (with Gallia, Bandera, July 14, Ottoman Remembrance, Murano, Arica,...), strength of nature (with Volcano, Hurricane, Naturaleza viva, Twilight with color, Reflection,...) and project ourselves into the universe and its origins (with Exoplanet, Mars, Sedna,...).