Afterwards they appeared sporadically after their own series was canceled, most notably in Showcase #100, one or two panels in Crisis on Infinite Earths, The Oz-Wonderland War #3 (March 1986), in a superhero Limbo in the Grant Morrison written Animal Man series.
Inferior colliculus | Inferior Five | Roman governors of Germania Inferior | Inferior vena cava | Inferior salivatory nucleus | Glandular branches of the inferior thyroid artery |
He is in limbo with other "forgotten characters", such as Gunfire, Geist, Hardhat of the Demolition Team and Merry Man of the Inferior Five.
The words Inferior Five, Metal Men, and Tornado Twins appear in the background in the Batman: The Brave and the Bold episode Mayhem of the Music Meister when the titular villain has Batman and Black Canary in a death trap.