
unusual facts about Infestation


2007 Caribou Hills fire

In addition to the dry grass in the area, the Kenai Peninsula was still recovering from an infestation of spruce bark beetles that had killed thousands of acres of trees during the late 1990s and early 2000s, resulting in an enormous "tinder box" in the largely unpopulated area of Caribou Hills.

2008 German Beekill Incident

Though the normal corn seed treatment formulation of clothianidin was authorized for use against fruit flies and wireworms at 25 grams of the chemical per 50,000 seeds, the seed batches associated with this incident received a special authorization at a much higher concentration, 62 grams per 50,000 seeds, to protect against an infestation of western corn rootworm.

Aceria sheldoni

As well as the direct damage caused by this species, the hollows caused in affected fruit encourage infestation by other pests including the citrus mealybug, Planococcus citri and the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae.

Argus monitor

Recent studies suggest that the cane toad infestation has severely damaged the population of Argus monitors within the Top End.

Arnulf of Carinthia

With his return to Germany in 896, Arnulf found that his physical ill health - he suffered from (morbus pediculosis – infestation of lice under the eyelid) - meant he was unable to deal with the problems besetting his reign.

Bitter Seeds

The film also refutes false claims purported by the biotech industry that Bt cotton requires less pesticide and empty promises of higher yields, as farmers discover the bitter truth that in reality Bt cotton in fact requires a great deal more pesticide than organic cotton, and often suffer higher levels of infestation by Mealybug resulting in devastating crop losses, and extreme financial and psychological stress on cotton farmers.

Ceratitis capitata

In 1981, California Governor Jerry Brown, who had established a reputation as a strong environmentalist, was confronted with a serious medfly infestation in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Dioon purpusii

Infestations of Aulacaspis yasumatsui, otherwise known as cycad aulacaspis scale, have been known to affect D.

Geography of Bermuda

Attempts were made to control the infestation naturally, which involved the large-scale introduction of ladybird beetles (Coccinellidae), but these were to no avail.

Gravesend, New South Wales

In the 1930s, Gravesend was the site of a research station breeding Cactoblastis moths later released to eradicate a devastating prickly pear infestation.

Isar Valley Railway

Freight operations started shortly after the opening of the line in 1892 and in 1893, the largest loads occurred because, after an infestation of the Forstenrieder Park by Black Arches caterpillars, the damaged wood had to be removed quickly.

Jerry Pickard

Former Liberal MP Rex Crawford campaigned for the Conservative candidate in this election, and some local residents were upset that the federal government had cut down more than 80,000 ash trees to stop a devastating beetle infestation.

Juglans nigra

Maggots (larvae of Rhagoletis completa and Rhagoletis suavis) in the husk are common, though more a nuisance than a serious problem for amateurs, who may simply remove the affected husk as soon as infestation is noticed.


The community grew quickly once the surrounding woodlands fell victim to a natural disaster in 1889 in the form of a nun moth infestation.


There is almost 100% prevalence of infestation of the nasal mite in the northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus) on the Pribilof Islands.

Rhus chinensis

The infestation by Chinese sumac aphids (Melaphis chinensis Bell) can lead to a gall which is valued as a commercial product.

Rodd Island

Pasteur was interested because he had been conducting similar research in France and Henry Parkes had offered a 25,000 pound reward to anyone who could solve the rabbit infestation problem.

Shire of Tara

Prickly Pear infestation in the early 1900s had a devastating effect on the area that was only alleviated by the introduction of the cactoblastis moth.


Initial efforts to settle the island met with difficulties,including an infestation of scale insects, followed by a severe drought in 1919.

Tuart forest

Now that it has been preserved from further logging, the next challenge is to revive the ageing forest, which suffers from degradation due almost two centuries of cattle grazing, to weed infestation (particularly Arum Lilies), and an absence of new young trees due to overpopulation of Western Grey Kangaroo (Macropus fuliginosus), for whom infant Tuart saplings are a favoured dietary item.

Vagabond's leukomelanoderma

Vagabond's leukomelanoderma is a skin disorder found in the elderly with a combination of dietary deficiency and lack of hygiene, resulting in an infestation of Pediculus humanus.

see also