
4 unusual facts about Inge Johansson

Inge Johansson

Inge Johansson (born May 10, 1977) is the bass player of the politically charged punk/rock band The (International) Noise Conspiracy, which he formed in Umeå, Sweden in 1998 together with Dennis Lyxzén, Sara Almgren, Ludwig Dahlberg and Lars Strömberg.

Between 2009 and 2010 he played in Swedish soul/rock/hiphop-artist Adiam Dymotts back up band with among others Thomas Rusiak.

In 2005 Johansson started the label Ny Våg together with his good friend Dennis Lyxzén, and Johansson tours as a DJ on a regular basis.

The (International) Noise Conspiracy recorded and toured all over the world as an active band between 1998 and 2009, and recorded two of their albums with producer Rick Rubin for Rubins label American Recordings.

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