
unusual facts about Inheritor


The Inheritors (1998 film) (original title Die Siebtelbauern), an Austrian-German film directed by Stefan Ruzowitzky



Jean-Baptiste Thibouville, born May 4, 1832, in La Couture-Boussey, was the inheritor of the brand Thibouville-Herouard (his parents' names) founded in 1842.

Chikamatsu Monzaemon

Sasori, of Naruto has claimed that he wants to fight, Chikamatsu Monzaemon demonstrating that the art of puppets is very powerful, as for Chiyo could be the inheritor of his puppets.

Gotse Delchev

Although, considering himself to be an inheritor of the Bulgarian revolutionary traditions, as committed republican Delchev was disillusioned by the reality in the post-liberation Bulgarian monarchy.

Joyous Entry

A formal first visit to a city by an inheritor of the throne of Belgium upon his accession and since 1900 for a crown prince upon his marriage, is still referred to as a "Joyous Entry", a reminder of this tradition of the rule of law.

Nicholas Alexander, 7th Earl of Caledon

Nicholas James Alexander, 7th Earl of Caledon (born 6 May 1955) is the son of Denis Alexander, 6th Earl of Caledon and Baroness Anne Louise de Graevenitz (an inheritor through her paternal grandmother to the von Siemens fortune).

Ogasawara Nagatsune

He was the eldest son of Ogasawara Nagakiyo and the rightful inheritor of the art of Ogasawara-ryu archery and mounted archery.

Refah tragedy

The Turkish government paid 4,000 Turkish lira (TL) in compensation to each legal inheritor of the people killed in the disaster, 800 TL to each naval officer, 400 TL to each petty officer and cadet, and 100 TL to each seaman who survived the incident.

William FitzGeoffrey de Mandeville, 3rd Earl of Essex

He was the second son of Geoffrey fitz Peter and Beatrice de Say and he succeeded his elder brother Geoffrey fitz Geoffrey as earl and inheritor of the Mandeville barony.

see also