Born in Gainesville, Florida, she was raised in the western Detroit suburb of Inkster by foster parents.
Inkster High School | Inkster | Norman Inkster | Nigel Inkster | Inkster, Michigan | Inkster (Manitoba riding) |
Inkster was educated at St. John's College in Winnipeg.
State representative David Knezek of Dearborn Heights asked Attorney General of Michigan Bill Schuette for a formal opinion on whether or not the closure of the Inkster district was legal or if it was in violation of the Michigan Constitution or other state laws.
Along with other leading figures in contemporary rhetorical theory such as Lisa Ede, Robert Inkster, Charles Kneupper, Linda Flower, Janice Lauer, and Victor Vitanza, Berlin participated in an NEH fellowship-in-residence to work with Richard Young on the topic of rhetorical invention.
(In 1966, Juba considered running in the provincial riding of Inkster against New Democrat Len Stevens, but withdrew after Sidney Green replaced Stevens as the NDP candidate.
Early in The Porcupine's Quill's history, Tim Inkster contacted friends he met during his time at the University of Toronto to publish their work, such as collections of poetry by Ed Carson and Brian Henderson.