
unusual facts about Insights

Anne Balsamo

John Seely Brown, former chief scientist of Xerox Corporation and Director of Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) argues that Balsamo "portrays both the necessity and the challenge of cultivating the technological imagination in all of us...Her insights into expanding the traditional considerations of socio-technical design to consider issues of culture are coming at a critical time."

Anne Tyng

Aged 82, Anne Tyng appeared in Nathaniel Kahn's documentary My Architect discussing her insights into his work and her experience with Louis Kahn.

Balint Vazsonyi

Balint Vazsonyi was a frequent guest on national talk radio and appeared on television shows such as NBC Today, Booknotes on C-SPAN with Brian Lamb, and Washington Journal, MSNBC, and Insights with Robert Novak.

Carel van Schaik

His book Among Orangutans: Red Apes and the Rise of Human Culture tells the story of his discovery of a group of orangutans in northern Sumatra and the challenge their tool use and sociality pose to theories of primatology and the insights they offer into key moments in human evolution.

Computer Chronicles

Gary Kildall served as co-host for six years (1983 to 1990) providing insights and commentary on products as well as discussions on the future of the ever-expanding personal computer sphere.

Demonstration effect

Some heterodox economists such as James Duesenberry and Robert H. Frank, following the original insights of Thorstein Veblen (1899), have argued that awareness of the consumption habits of others tends to inspire emulation in of these practices.

Eleanor Duckworth

She grounds her work in Jean Piaget and Bärbel Inhelder's insights into the nature and development of understanding and intelligence and in their clinical research method.

Eugene Odum

By 1970, when the first Earth Day was organized, Odum's conception of the living Earth as a global set of interlaced ecosystems became one of the key insights of the environmental movement that has since spread through the world.

Eva Nogales

Her lab uses electron microscopy, computational image analysis as well as functional biochemical assays to gain insights into function and regulation of the large biological assemblies.

Exploring Reality

Human Nature he notes that Charles Kingsley and Frederick Temple welcomed Charles Darwin's insights, which also implied a level of continuity between humans and other animals.

Frances Negrón-Muntaner

The book also has chapters on West Side Story, Ricky Martin, and Holly Woodlawn, with interesting insights about Puerto Rican homosexuality in the United States.

Frederik van Eeden

Van Eeden also incorporated his psychiatric insights into his later writings, such as in a deeply psychological novel called "Van de koele meren des doods" (translated in English as "The Deeps of Deliverance").

Hans List

His research work yielded sensational insights into functionality and improvement of Diesel motors, and of combustion engines in general.

I Am an Impure Thinker

It has been recognized as a summary of Rosenstock-Huessy's insights into Western culture by such thinkers as, W. H. Auden, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Martin E. Marty, and Harold J. Berman.

Jabra Ibrahim Jabra

Some other works that he translated are: Pre-Philosophy by Henry Frankfurt and Others; Sight and Insights by Alexander Elliot; The Author and His Profession by 10 American critics; The Life in Drama by Eric Bentley; The Myth and the Symbol by several critics; Axel's Castle by Edmund Wilson; Articles by 14 American critics about poet Dylan Thomas; Albert Camus by Germen Perry; and The Tower of Babel by André Barot.

Janet E. Courtney

She was the author of a number of books of aspects of feminism as well as several volumes of reminiscences that contain valuable insights into her working life at the Bank of England, The Times and the Encyclopædia Britannica.

Jo Ho

Documentary hosted by Gok Wan on the Cultural Diversity Awards 2010, with insights into the nominees and celebrity appearances

Joan A. Steitz

Steitz's research may yield new insights into the diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune disorders such as lupus, which develop when patients make antibodies against their own DNA, snRNPs, or ribosomes.

Joanna Macy

Donella Meadows provided insights on the planetary consequences of runaway systems, and Elisabet Sahtouris provided further information about self-organizing systems in evolutionary perspective.

Johann Christian Schöttgen

He is mainly known for his Horae Ebraicae et Talmudicae in universum Novum Testamentum (1733) which follows on the model of John Lightfoot's use of Talmudic insights for commentary on the New Testament.

John Espinoza

Espinoza has shared his insights via regular programs on Sanilac, Michigan County radio station WMIC and written contributions to the Sanilac County News and the Port Huron Times-Herald.

Kinesis Myofascial Integration

KMI is an evolution of the fascial work of Dr. Ida P. Rolf, the movement insights of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, the whole-systems geometry of Buckminster Fuller, and many other influences, directed by Thomas Myers.

Law enforcement

While, theoretically relying on Michel Foucault’s theory of discipline and governmentality, as well as related insights in the social control literature, this paper examines Project Carnivore relative to the larger context of state rationality and related privacy issues.

Linda Carroll

In the nineties, she and her veterinarian husband, Tim Barraud, began to teach a couples course based on the Imago work of Harville Hendrix, the PAIRS training of Dr. Lori Gordon, and their own insights, study, and practices.

Mario Mantese

Since his recovery, Mantese shares his insights in his darshans and gatherings, now known as Meister M (Master M).

Mel Schwartz

Dr. David Loy, an expert on Japanese Zen Buddhism, has praised Mel for his contributions to the field of contemporary psychotherapy and non-duality, including his insights on the topic of emotional masking.


Meta-leadership incorporates insights from the research of Warren Bennis, Daniel Goleman, Ronald Heifetz, Robert Thomas, and others but is distinct in that it is focused on cross-cutting leadership that generates connectivity among disparate stakeholders.

Mosaic Select: Toshiko Akiyoshi – Lew Tabackin Big Band

It is volume 33 of the "Mosaic Select" series and includes the complete contents of the previously released RCA / Victor recordings, Kogun (1974), Long Yellow Road (1975), Tales of a Courtesan (Oirantan) (1976), Insights (1976), and March of the Tadpoles (1977).

Pittsburgh Council for International Visitors

As the designated liaison for the U.S. State Department’s International Visitor Leadership Program in Western Pennsylvania, GlobalPittsburgh designs and implements tailored itineraries for leaders in a variety of fields who are seeking a gateway to the local community and insights into American culture.

Proust Was a Neuroscientist

In it, Lehrer argues that many 20th and 21st-century discoveries of neuroscience are actually re-discoveries of insights made earlier by various artists, including Gertrude Stein, Walt Whitman, Paul Cézanne, Igor Stravinsky, and, as mentioned in the title, Marcel Proust.

Radiohead and Philosophy: Fitter Happier More Deductive

It is a collection of philosophical insights into various aspects of Radiohead’s music, by a varied group of academics and other writers, including David Dark, Tim Footman and Mark Greif.


Richard Sorabji, Self: ancient and modern insights about individuality, life, and death

Shane Easson

Malcolm Turnbull replied to the report in the Australian Jewish News saying that "there are no new insights in it. It isn't a piece of research it's an essay, a bit of speculation."

Simon Conway Morris

Whether the "it" be that of Richard Dawkins' reductionist gene-centred worldpicture, the "universal acid" of Daniel Dennett's meaningless Darwinism, or David Sloan Wilson's faith in group selection (not least to explain the role of human religions), we certainly need to acknowledge each provides insights but as total explanations of what we see around us they are, to put it politely, somewhat incomplete.

Sonny Spoon

He used his many connections on the streets and relationships with friends and informants (who were apparently attracted to him mostly by his vibrant personality, as he had little cash to share with them) to further his ends, and also the insights of his father, Mel, a bar owner (played by Melvin Van Peebles, Mario's real-life father).

Sound Diplomacy

Advisors to the company include Spotify’s Will Page, The Orchard’s Scott Cohen and Damon Forbes of Sheer Sound, while further insights come from Shain Shapiro’s research, who is currently completing work on a PhD thesis entitled ‘The History Of Popular Music Funding In Canada'.


The company was founded in 2001 by Professor Cliff Bowman and Dr Paul Raspin based on their leading published research and extensive experience of how to develop effective strategy in practice, using insights gained from both the strategy consulting sector and academia.

Supercritical adsorption

Considerable progress has been made in both adsorption measurement techniques and molecular simulation of adsorption on computers, rendering new insights into the nature of supercritical adsorption.


Current areas of interest in this topic are being studied by Melson (2012) which provide helpful insights into children’s views about robot pets, children’s relationship with robotic pets and, conceptualizations of self-identity within child-rebot relationships.

The Arts Channel

Documentaries aired include I Remember Better When I Paint narrated by Academy Award winning actress Olivia de Havilland, an informative film offering pivotal insights into the treatment of Alzheimer's disease through the creative arts.

The Embarrassment of Riches: An Interpretation of Dutch Culture in the Golden Age

Historians in the US and in the Netherlands agreed the book was erudite and offered many fresh insights due to its 360-degree approach to the whole period of the Dutch Golden Age, which Schama defines as being from 1570-1670.

Timothy R. Hawthorne

Hawthorne has also contributed content or chapters for nine direct marketing texts, including Seth Godin's eMarketing (1995), Frank Cannella's Infomercial Insights (1995), and Robert W. Bly's The Complete Idiot's Guide to Direct Marketing (2001).

Toeti Heraty

Her most recent poem, "Calon Arang: the Story of A Woman Victimized by Patriarchy", a book-length lyric, provides critical insights into the standard perception of Indonesia's great archetypal figure, Calon Arang.

Wojciech Rychlik

Currently, he is a president of Molecular Biology Insights, Inc. located in Cascade, Colorado.

see also