
3 unusual facts about InterBase


Jim Starkey was working at DEC on their Datatrieve network database product when he came up with an idea for a system to manage concurrent changes by many users.

Although InterBase's implementation is much more similar to the system described by Reed in his MIT dissertation than any other database that existed at the time and Starkey knew Bernstein from his previous position at the Computer Corporation of America and later at DEC, Starkey has stated that he arrived at the idea of multiversion concurrency control independently.

With their encouragement he formed Groton Database Systems (named after the town, Groton, Massachusetts, where they were located) on Labor Day 1984 and started work on what would eventually be released as InterBase.


InterBase |


It can communicate with multiple databases such as: MySQL, PostgreSQL, ODBC, SQLite, Oracle, DB2, MS SQL Server, MaxDB, Visual FoxPro, FrontBase, InterBase, Firebird, Informix, LDAP, Netezza, SAP DB, Sybase, and generate code from them.

see also