
unusual facts about International Film Festival Rotterdam

Agitated Screams of Maggots

It has been shown as a film at festivals such as the 2007 International Film Festival Rotterdam for its "animation based on their music exemplifying his fascination for violence and relationships".

Daniel Hendler

Filmed in 2000 with a very low budget, the film revitalized the Uruguayan film and aided by the awards received in Europe (Best Film at the International Film Festival Rotterdam) marked the beginning of a new stage in the film scene of that country.

He Jianjun

While Red Beads would win a FIPRESCI award in the 1993 International Film Festival Rotterdam, the film also caught the wrath of Chinese censors, who blacklisted He Jianjun in 1994 along with several other prominent filmmakers, including Tian Zhuangzhuang, Wang Xiaoshuai, Wu Wenguang, Zhang Yuan, and Ning Dai.

Katrin Ottarsdóttir

The road movie Bye Bye Bluebird received top honors in 1999 at Nordische Filmtage and the Tiger Award in 2000 at the International Film Festival Rotterdam.

Matija Kluković

he finished his debut feature Slow Days (Ajde, dan... prođi...) that has received much critical acclaim from Croatian film critics, won Golden Pram award at Zagreb Film Festival and internationally premiered at Rotterdam.


Newport Beach Film Festival 2011; Dallas International Film Festival 2011; Irish Film Festival Boston 2011, International Film Festival Rotterdam 2011; Göteborg International Film Festival 2011; Torino Film Festival 2010.

see also