For his study of the roots of the theory of evolution in the 19th century he received support from the International Institute of Social History (Amsterdam) during 1963-1975.
The International Institute of Social History keeps a vast collection of papers from Toma Sik in several languages, such as Hebrew, Hungarian, and English.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | ATP International Series | International Monetary Fund | Social Democratic Party of Germany | history | International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement | ATP International Series Gold | International Space Station | Amnesty International | California Institute of Technology | International Olympic Committee | American Museum of Natural History | Art Institute of Chicago | Social Democratic Party | BirdLife International | Natural History Museum | International Finance Corporation | Institute for Advanced Study | International Organization for Standardization | History | American Institute of Architects | International Telecommunication Union | International Criminal Court | One Day International | International Nonproprietary Name | International Labour Organization | History (U.S. TV channel) | Georgia Institute of Technology | International Civil Aviation Organization | International Boxing Federation |
Most anarchist newspaper issues can be found in the Arquivo Edgard Leuenroth in Campinas, but there are also examplars in other Brazilian archives, in Milan and in the IISH in Amsterdam.
Further unpublished works, Ideas y suggestiones para una nueva estrategía revolutionaria (Ideas and Suggestions for a New Revolutionary Strategy) and Delincuencia política (Political Criminality), along with the rest of his extensive archives, are held in Amsterdam at the International Institute of Social History.
Marcel van der Linden (Netherlands), International Institute of Social History, labour historian and co-editor of The Formation of Labour Movements, 1870-1914.
In 1935 Kurt Baschwitz was offered a position with the International Institute of Social History and then in the same year he started to lecture on the history of newspapers at the University of Amsterdam.